
Answer please if you became a vegan due to animal cruelty...

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I'm vegetarian but I can't understand why people become vegan due to animal cruelty. I just go to my local farm which I have inquired about and found that it only has free range animals which are never sent for slaughter. The animals are also not genetically modified.

Do you not have a nearby farm like that, or do you consider milking a cow animal cruelty?

Just wondering




  1. yes I am and you should look at and just because you haven't seen animal cruelty doesn't mean it doesn't happen  

  2. I don't care how happy the cow is... the cow can't consent to giving it, therefor that milk doesn't belong to the farmer, and it doesn't belong to you either.  Those animals are commodities, enslaved and exploited FOR PROFIT, and as a vegan I have a problem with that.

    Make no mistake: "free range" is a loose term used to label and market foods so that YOU feel better about consuming them.

    And you're unbelievably naive if you believe that none of those animals are ever sold and slaughtered.

  3. There are very few farms like that - the majority of meat and milk that we buy in the grocery comes from factory farms where the animals are treated inhumanely. If the animals on this local farm of yours are never sent to slaughter, is this really a petting zoo or educational farm? Even a family farm eventually slaughters their stock, no matter how humanely they treat their animals.

    Milk, per se, isn't cruel, but the dairy industry is. Calves are taken from their mothers long before they should be, and the males are used as veal which is a very cruel practice. Milk from most dairies isn't healthy because it's filled with pus and antibiotics. Yes, it's homogenized, but sterile pus is still pus.

  4. I am not a vegan because I get sick whenever I try, don't get me wrong, veganism is great it's just that I don't have the time or effort to cook and watch my nutrition like I should. I don't see the argument against eggs so much as I do dairy. Why do humans produce milk? To feed our babies. Why does every other mammal species produce milk? To feed their babies. A female cow does not have to be pregnant to produce milk, but she had to have been pregnant at least once. It's the same story with humans. Once a mammal is impregnated they produce milk for their young, and as long as the baby still needs milk they will keep producing it. Humans wean our young and we stop producing milk, dairy cows are milked even after pregnancy; even after their young have been sent to veal farms or slaughterhouses. Doesn't it just sound weird to belong to the only species who drinks the milk of another species after infancy? That milk does belong to a calf but we stole it for our own taste buds. If you want to believe what the USDA has to say about the benefits of cows milk, be my guest but when you end up with osteoporosis anyways don't scratch your head and wonder why. The USDA doesn't care whether it's healthy for us or not, they just want their wallets at prime health.  

  5. yes i sure am!!! i cant stand what is being done to those voiceless inocent animals!! it is HORRIABLE! and i will NOT have part in that. and no i live in the city and there is no local farm near by......if there was then yes i would prob only if they killed them in a humane way and not like the slaughter houses!!! if you become a vegetarian you save 100 animals a year and that is alot!!!!!

  6. I do not eat meat simply because of all the stuff they inject into the animals and because of the way they are treated and slaughtered. I just don't want to be a part of that. I will eat meat from a wild deer. I also eat eggs from my own chickens. Milk that is hormone free is also fine. I guess it is good that we have free will to eat whatever we want.

  7. We become vegan due to animal cruelty because animal food industries are cruel.  Forcing a cow to give birth every 11 months is cruel.  Taking her calf and selling it to a veal producer is cruel.  Using her up after 4-6 years, instead of the 15-25 she should live, is cruel.

    Your idyllic local farm may be all well and good for you, but it's not reality for the majority of the population, nor is it sustainable.  The fact of the matter is that upwards of 90-95% of the eggs and milk available in the US are factory farmed.  If all of that disappeared and the people who usually buy them all flocked to your farmer in droves, do you think he could supply them all?  Of course not.  That's why those cruel industries exist.

    And I highly doubt that they don't slaughter their cows or sell them to slaughter.  It's not economically viable to use a cow for 5 years and then feed her and see to her veterinary needs for another 15 years when she's not producing anything you can sell.

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