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What are the purposes of requiring everyone to make sure there television is digital by 2009?




  1. Every TV station is going to be broadcasting their feeds through digital by 2009. They are doing this because it will free up other feeds and lines for public communication and because it will also make the picture better.

    See this website:

  2. To clean up the airwaves.  Emergency personnel are increasingly being cut of from home base because there are too many signals flying around in the air.

  3. Because everyone went from black and white to color at one time and if you did not have the right stuff, you could not veiw T.V. back then as you can;t if you don;t get the right stuff for digital.

  4. It was a mandate from Congress.  The old analog TV system was invented back in the 1930s.  It's time to retire it and move to something better and more modern.  Actually the rest of the world is also transitioning to digital TV, too.

    Originally the broadcasters asked for a more modern system.  Then, Congress discovered that it could make money by auctioning off spectrum and charging fees for using spectrum.  So, they used the DTV transition to kill two birds with one stone.  A more modern system and move all the broadcast stations closer together to free up spectrum that they could auction off for profit.  After February, channels 2 - 4 and 53+ will no longer be used for TV.  The public safety argument didn't come into play until after 9/11, which was about five years into the transition.

    Here's a timeline for reference

    I hope this helps.  Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

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