
Answer the question below please?

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You are sliding a big cabinet down a truck ramp for a customer. You must maintain control of the cabinet because it is very heavy. There are 2 ramps in the building.

The equation of ramp 1 is y = 2x + 7 and the equation of ramp 2 is y = 3 x + 7. Which is the safest ramp to slide the cabinet down without losing control and why?




  1. Ramp 1. Lower equation gradient, lower steep, easier control.

  2. Ramp one with the slope of 2.  It is less steep than the other and you will have more control of the cabinet.  It will be longer, but the steepness is the big issue.

  3. Ramp one. It has a lower slope, and is less steep. It would have the greater mechanical advantage and it would take less force to push the cabinet up.

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