
Answer these Math questions (10 pts)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, the first is a line with two lines going through it. There are numbers in all of the corners where the two lines cross each other and it makes an angle. What is this called?

Two angles in a triangle measure 48 degrees and 84 degrees. Classify the triangle. Isoceles or Scalene?

What is it called when you have a line and a ray and theres like a curve in it? What is it called?

Thanks a bunch!




  1. 1: A transversal intersecting two lines (parallel?)

    2: Isosceles - a triangle with atleast 2 sides equal.

         Let the angles be 48, 84, and 180 - (48+84) = 48

         So, two angles are equal. Therefore the opposite sides are equal.

    3: This can be any form. How do I know where the line, arc and curve lie?   It should be an angle.    The line horizontally, the ray slanting and the curve between the line and the ray. Is it?

  2. The first person that answered is correct.  It's a supplementary angle.

    The second one is a Scalene triangle - a triangle with no two sides of equal length

    I think the third answer is a parabola.  That's all I can think of with your description.

  3. Sorry as I can´t see a Joke or Riddle I can only surmise you have perchance strayed into the wrong section.........try "The  Maths Section. " who I am sure will be able to help you .....bye and good luck.

  4. Mean Me: Do your own homework! Jeez!

    Nice Me: Call a friend.

    Smart me(hard to believe, i know. im still in general math :-):

    1. supplementary angle

    2. no clue

    3. no clue  

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