
Answer this Presidential riddle for best answer.?

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would you choose a 72 year old ex pow with post traumatic stress syndrome, skin cancer, and memory loss, a soccer mom, with 5 children one with down syndrome, that runs a government based solely on oil or a constitutional lawyer and a 4 decade senator that clearly understands foreign policies and economics?

Mccain said himself that he doesn't really understand the economy.

Palin was quoted as saying that she doesn't understand much about the iraq war.

obama and bidden complement each other with understanding of both of the situations.

palin scares me and not just because she's republican. She is bright and smart and I admire her, but she only talks about oil and she is obsessed with getting her brother in law fired from his job. she is against many things that concern women. also what kind of mom goes back to work 3 days after giving birth to a sick child? that is just crazy. something in this soup ain't tomatos.




  1. You sound remarkably enlightened.  Keep it up.  We need to put these Repugnicans in their place once and for all!  And that place ain't the White House...

  2. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm   WHAT ??

  3. How about this???-Would you rather have the Senator who only served for 6 months in the Senate with NO prior political experience and decided to run for President and some 68 year old man who himself said that McCain is qualified and Obama is not... OR, would you rather have a man who proudly served his country and was willing to stand besides his fellow servicemen in a POW camp, and is permanently scarred from his torture in said camp and a woman who has a handicap child who she didn't murder in utero and was a state GOVERNOR for 2 YEARS, is willing to hold fellow republicans accountable for their corruption, and has actual political accomplishments under her belt?

    Sorry, but either of us can "spin" who is running in a way that fits our agenda, but when push comes to shove, Barack has no experience, Palin is 3 years younger but has been both a state Governor for 2 years and previously was a city council woman. McCain served in the military and has been a state Senator for YEARS and understands politics and war (which is slightly significant right now)... Obama MAY be a good choice for President in 5 years once he's had more experience and has authored more than one bill... and next time he should choose a VP who believes he is a good Presidential candidate.

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