
Answer this its a good question lol?

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im gonna list 10 wrestlers and you have to say what thier biggest moment in WWE was

1) jeff hardy

2) HHH

3) HBK

4) mick foley

5) john cena

6) kurt angle

7) undertaker

8) randy orton

9) edge

10) vince mcmahon





  1. 1) jeff hardy - vs taker for the title on raw

    2) HHH - dressing up as kane and the rest is history

    3) HBK - vs bret hart in the "montreal screwjob"

    4) mick foley - getting thrown off of hiac by undertaker

    5) john cena - beating jbl for title at wm

    6) kurt angle - winning wwe title in the HIAC match

    7) undertaker - every wrestlemania he's been to

    8) randy orton - wins title of chris benoit

    9) edge - take's cena's belt at new years revolution

    10) vince mcmahon - beating bobby lashley for title

  2. in my opinion,

    1. jeff hardy- the wwe title match against orton

    2. hhh- winning the undisputed championship

    3. hbk - the montreal screwjob (well that made hbk more famous)

    4. mick foley - when he thrown over the top of the cell by undertaker (well that made him the best hardcore wrestler in the wwe)

    5. cena- when he FU big show and win the us champ at wrestlemania

    6. angle - winning the battle royal at smackdown 2 become champ

    7. undertalker- man 16-0  at wretlemania (streak lives)

    8. orton- winning as the youngest world champ ever

    9. edge- cashing in those 2 money in the banks that made him champ

    10. mcmhon - when he was giving away money (everybody likes that)

  3. 1- vs taker in ladder match

    2- defeating foley in h**l in a cell

    3- beating hitman in iron man match

    4- winning wwe title for 1st time

    5- defeating HHH at wm

    6- making hogan tap

    7- defeating batista at wm

    8- defeating benoit for title

    9- beating the c**p outta matt hardy during there fued

    10- first match vs austin

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