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gloria sorted her collection of winged liberty head into three stack based on their quality.the second stack has twice as many coins as the first,the third stack has 43 fewer than the many dimes are in each stack.




  1. fix your question,  ",the third stack has 43 fewer than the third."

    doesn't sound right.

  2. no dimes.

  3. Fix the question butthe winged liberty head is not on a dime so its none.

  4. You've got a typo error there. But the answer is none because the winged liberty head is not a dime.

  5. None.  The Winged Liberty Head is not a dime.

  6. hon, if the third has 43 less than the third, either the homework or whatever it is has a type-o or you wrote it wrong rewrite it and I'll check back

  7. thank makes no sence

    the third has 43 fewer then then the third?

    wow...what a waste of time
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