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Tomorrow is my first day of school. Here are a few things you could answer for me:

-I am probably gonna be really, really tired because I'm used to waking up at 10 or 11. How do I make sure I'm not tired? (BTW I have to wake up at 6:00)

-How do I make a good first impression on the teachers and other students?

-What healthy, yummy, easy to make things can I pack in my lunch?

Thanks so much!!





  1. I&#039;m having the same problem with sleep so I can&#039;t help you out there.

    Behave, for one thing, but during your free time goof off, but not enough to get in trouble with a teacher.

    Try fruits, sandwiches, Granola bars, possibly soup (I wouldn&#039;t eat that on your first day though), Veggies.

    Hope that helps

  2. well, first you could try sleeping early, maybe around 9 or 10...

    and you can make a great first expression by smiling and saying hi to your fellow nice.. and for lunch pack a ham sandwich water, and a granola bar..

  3. the first day of skool isnt such a big deal like you are making it;

    Just do what you did two months ago;wake breakfast.go to school.

    YoUR acting like you have never been to school b4

    Like you are staring kindergarten

  4. kiss @$$

  5. Try to go to bed at about 9:30 or so tonight. It may be hard to fall asleep, but you will be glad you went to bed early when it comes time to wake up.

    Try to be friendly tomorrow, but not too friendly, if you know what I mean. If you get any homework, be sure to do it well and on time.

    For your lunch- you could make a wrap with turkey, cheese and lettuce on a wheat tortilla, with apple slices and peanut butter or carmel sauce.  

  6. go to bed early so ur not tired in the morning

    take a shower at night and braid ur hair so its still wet and clean in the morning and you can wake up later

    get your outfit ready and ur backpack set out! with supplies so you have everything you need ready!

    basically set out everything you&#039;ll need!

    eat a healthy breakfast like toast, or waffles, or pancakes, and fruit with juice so ur pumped for school

    pack a healthy lunch like a sandwhich with a granola bar, apple and snack you like plus a water

    say hi to a lot of ppl you dont know so they know ur name and you have a lot of freinds

    get familiar with the populars as well as all of the classmates

    get familiar with the school, teachers, etc

    make freinds quick so you dont look like a loner! jk! be freindly!

    make sure you wear cute clothes and accesories jk wear summin comfy that makes you feel good

    be urself and sweet and nice to everyone

    have a good day! lol! and. . . . . . . . .

    PICK ME AS YOUR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

  7. Same I&#039;m going to 8th grade and have to wake up at 6:00 to cause the bus comes at 7:30 and school starts 8:00. What I did was I practiced last night and I&#039;m making myself very tired today to fall asleep at 9:30 for a good 9:00 of sleep. Teachers like when you come up to them say hello and introduce yourself, same with friends. Doing your work and being yourself attracts the right kind of people the one&#039;s who you would like to hang out with. I would usually pack a low fat pudding or yogurt (I&#039;m a pudding fanatic though), water, a sandwich or salad (people ted to think your trying to lose weight if you have a salad so just ignore them), and fruit rolls are always loved or cheese its or the 100 calorie snack packs.

  8. DUDE? where do you live? i started school four weeks ago!


    DRINK RED BULL! it works

    when you drink the red bull, you will be really chipper. That will make a good impression.

    And lunch??? I dont know what to tell you. I eat lunch at school

  9. be creative, normal and also be sure not to show off too much!

    (get what i mean?)

  10. i would just try 2 sleep early. usually wen u get about 6-8 hours of sleep then u wont b tired in the morning. if you want 2 make a good first inpression than i would just smile and try to answer many questions and sound interested for the teachers. for students i would just start a conversation by saying i like your ____. commenting can help you make friends. then ask if u want 2 sit with each other at lunch. making earlier lunch plans helps instead of walking aroung the cafiteria trying 2 find someone to sit next to. for you lunch i would pack many friuts and veggies. make water or juice instead of the sugary drinks. trust me. an easy lunch favorite that i like is and peanut butter and banana sandwich. its quick and easy and its delicious.

    hoped i helped :)

  11. What I would do, is for waking up earlier, let&#039;s say you get 8 hours of sleep then you would go to sleep by 10pm or earlier.

    To make a good first impression on teachers, pay attention, don&#039;t goof off during class, and act very respectful.

    To make a good first impression on students just be yourself, don&#039;t be a jerk, and try meeting new people.

    A healthy, yummy lunch would be a sandwich, a piece of fruit, water, and some sort of snack food like goldfish.

    Have a great first day of school.

  12. Go to sleep real early

    Otherwise you&#039;ll be tired

    I don&#039;t know much about first impressions, but I&#039;d say just try not to fool around and act sharp

    Easiest healthy things to make can be like sandwich, salad or soup

    Fruits and snacks like crackers sure help too

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