
Answered wrong question English GCSE?

by Guest65682  |  earlier

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The english lang aqa, was easy apart from when i found out for the persuade, argue and advise bit, i put i would answer question 5 when i answered question 4...

the examiner in my school said they would mark it as if they were making question 4 because there were 2 different questions and the examiner should use their common sense

but im still not sure...


what do you think?




  1. Ohh i did this last year and they took off marks and ended up with a D instead of a C :@ grr

  2. They will mark it as if they are marking the question in the margin.

  3. they'll take one look at your answer and go 'huh this isnt question 5' check, and realise it's actually the answer to q4, accept it as you did it in the heat of the exam and mark it as q4.  Honestly, if I was examining, I would not penalise you cos you wrote the wrong number or whatever. :)

  4. dw its fine. they'll guess :)

  5. well i cant speak for ever examiner but you should be fine. the exact same thing happened to me 4 years ago when i was taking my GCSE'S and i got a B. i wasn't marked down or anything.

    just cross your fingers and hope that you dont get a really strict examiner

  6. Ring them up and explain to them that you made an error. I'm sure when the examiner is marking your paper they'll realise that you made a mistake. Don't worry, it happens. =]

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