
Answers dis question plz?

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if an african american trace their family tree back to the 13 centuries would all of their ancestors be african




  1. No African American is all one thing or another thing. You KEEP asking about "all" this or such, and don't realize that each person's ancestry will be different.

    YOU are a distinct person, and the only way to find out your ancestors is to find the records.  No one (black or white) is the same.  Some of your ancestors could be from Germany, or any other place in the world.

    You WILL NOT get information by guessing, or from any television show.  It does not work that way.

  2. No one can reliably trace their famiy tree back 13 centuries except the Emperor of Japan.

    If you meant COLONIES, then, some would, some wouldn't. Lots and lots of male white slave holders had children by their slaves. Those children were slaves too. They tended to marry other slaves, who may or may not have been 100% African.

  3. How many times are you going to ask similar such questions?  And use improper English?

  4. learn to type proper English!

  5. maybe maybe not it depends... most likely not though...

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