
Answers on this ASAP!! please?

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So my boyfriend is 18. He lives in IN and I live in Michigan. (I'm 16) Right now he is in his freshman year in college. After christmas he is wanting to transfer to a college up here so we can be closer together. I'm wanting to know if there is anything my parents can do to get him in trouble. I know they can get a restraining order against him but I just want to know if there is anything else they can do. I also need to find out a way to tell them a couple of things.

1- How to tell them that where dating

2- How to tell them that he may move up here

Please Help us. This kid means alot to me and I dont want to risk being away from him. 14 hours is enough!




  1. You are sixteen and other than a restraining order there isn't much they can do. Explain it to them that you want to date someone 2 years older than you. How old are your parents? I am 5 years younger than my fiance. I have had boyfriends that were 8 and 11 years older than me but I was also over 18 at the time. Just sit down with them and talk it out. Two years isn't bad. If my Daughter came to me and was honest with me and introduced me to him I probably wouldn't care. That is just me though. I know my mom had a fit about me dating boys older than me when I was in high school until I introduced her to him then she was ok with him. Just be open with your parents and don't hide it that will make it worse.

  2. ASAP when you're only 16?  Regarding an 18yo... 14 hours is too long for him to be away... please.  I know from your point of view, it seems so ultra important.  But my goodness, you're only 16.  You have plenty of time in your life.

    As to what your parents can do, if you're NOT sexually active, then not much.  If you are, he could eventually find himself in jail.

  3. they can have him arrested because you r underaged

  4. I realize this seems like a huge deal to you right now, but you're only 16!!   Someday you'll marry someone else and will feel horrible that you gave a piece of your heart to this guy.  Finish high school and take care of yourself right now. Guard your heart.

    Honor your mom and dad and obey them.  If you're sure they wouldn't want you dating this guy, you better call it off.

  5. The only thing I can think of is that if y'all are having s*x they can press statutory rape charges against him...and win.  And on his record he will be a rapist...they don't specify statutory on the s*x offender list.  So it could get worse...IF you're having s*x.  Otherwise, I can't think of anything else they could do...besides forbidding you from seeing him.

    My question is, why would your parents WANT to get him in trouble?  Have they met him?  If not then I wouldn't tell them anything until he moves there...then tell them you have a date with a guy and let them meet in a natural way.

    Good luck!

  6. Wait until you turn 18.  If he truly adores you.  Then he will wait for you.

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