
Answers please?

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What is the name given to the change in speed and/or direction of an object?

Movement of tectonic plates is caused by currents in the mantle. What name is given to this type of current?

What do tsunami waves carry which is common to all waves?

When a star like the Sun uses up most of its fuel, it changes colour from yellow to red. What has changed on the surface of the star to cause this colour change?

What word is used to describe a statement that can be tested experimentally?




  1. 1 Δv (pronounced Delta vee)

       Delta means change, and is represented by an equilateral

       triangle. v stands for velocity, which shows both speed

       and direction

    2 mantle convection

    3 Wavelength, amplitude, frequency

    4 The surface temperature of a star determines its color.

        Yellow - > 5,000 - 6,000 degrees K

        Orange -> 3,500 - 5,000 degrees K

        Red -> 2,000 - 3,500 degrees K

    5 Hypothesis

  2. movement of mantle - convection current

  3. in algebra: delta.  ÃƒÂŽÃ‚”v would be finishing speed - beginning speed. But the answer may be as easy as acceleration (deceleration)


    All waves have amplitude, frequency, length, phase

    Surface temperature of Sun will decrease.

    Try putting nail into hot fire, you'll see it start glowing red, then yellow, then white (from the coolest to the hottest)

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