
Answers "Taking a break"....Does anyone agree?

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I am sick of Answers being down for an hour or more. Does anyone else agree? I mean, they're a profitable company that can't even keep up their website. Will everyone go to suggestions and voice their opinions and maybe they'll get on the ball. This is ridiculous. Also, why don't they tell you it's down BEFORE you try and post your answer? Cripes...Mickey Mouse company! Does anyone know of another forum such as this that isn't down all the time?




  1. Up until yesterday i have to admit it started bordering on disrespect by

    a company and staff baring an uncanny resemblence to my space and

    you tube, but this morning i read mikes blog and have to say annoying

    as it can be,  my gripe was realy never receiving, a direct answer from

    yahoo, which was most ironical considering the corperate mentlaity,

    and also honestly thinking, why would they go through all this trouble

    running a web site just to intentionally aggrivate people, i deffinately

    can relate to the writting an answer then previewing it only to have it

    dissapear when submitting it and instead see that breather message,

    i've been on this site almost a year now and i realy enjoy it, it's one

    h**l of a learning experience for me as well as being able to make a

    difference in trying to help people make sence of there problems, it's

    fun also, some of the questions and answers crack me up as well ,  

    along with the one's that are quite educational and informitive . . .

    take care,

    Ben . . .

  2. I think sometimes they do that to you if certain key words come up. It happens to me a lot, but if I go right back to answers, I get a response, then I can't find the question I wanted to answer.

  3. Hi, it happens and there is nothing we can do about it, occasionally systems get overloaded and crash, sometimes they need to upgrade the system. It is annoying but hey, time for a coffee sit outside and enjoy the day if you can, turning a negative into a positive. Hard I know if you have an urgent Q's that need answering fast, frustration to say the least.

  4. Yeah, it really chaps my chonis, especially since I can't be

    online very much. But, as technology advances, it trips over

    its own progress at times -- might be what Yahoo! is doing.

    And don't you love those little icons and reminders alongside

    the answer boxes now. Awwwww,so cute! And wrong most

    of the time,too.

    PS, Who can tell me what that Answers-Rodent in the Gi

    is? Gerbil? Hamster? Mouse? Why??????

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