
Ant Invasion!!! SOS?

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I live in a 3 story condo and about a week ago I noticed all these ants coming from nowhere.

They first came into the kitchen (2nd floor) and are now coming up to the bedroom and bathrooms (3rd floor). I have PETS and smaller siblings.

Is there any efficient way to repel or kill the ants before more come upstairs and cause trouble? I have many electronic systems and do not want ants to get in there and start wreaking havoc.

If anyone could please suggest a non-toxic, safe, inexpensive, and PRACTICAL way to end this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.




  1. if they are coming in from the window; put tape on the sil and masking tape to cover the cracks- trust me I've done that before and it works.

    otherwise, I'am not sure if this is non toxic- but RAID always comes in handy. i live for that stuff.

    good luck!!

  2. I've always used instant not quick cook grits to rid myself of ants. The theory being the ants take the grits back to the queen to feed, upon ingesting the grits quickly expand killing the queen.

  3. I just put out liquid ant traps by "Terro". They seem to really attract the ants the poison and it's all contained in a plastic container with a hole big enough only for ants. Very safe, we have a 4yr old. I am still using them but they appear to be making a dent in the problem.

  4. Do not leave any food laying around....always clean counter tops and stuff.....if there is no food around  they will go away...u can also buy this tube ,  is like a syringe with a paste....check it out....

  5. We have this problem every summer at my house, first you need to find the source of the ants, where they are coming in. Then you need to follow that to the nest and spray it with insect killer/spray (found at local Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, etc.). You can also use ant traps, but they don't work as well. As a last resort you can call an exterminator to get rid of them.

    Good Luck!

    I have felt your pain/annoyance!
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