
Ant colony - problem or not?

by Guest57567  |  earlier

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Lawn has a 3-foot diameter squishy patch. Dug up a small part and discovered a colony of small black ants. Spotted these ants everywhere (but not in house). No obvious holes near the colony, but plenty of tiny holes widely scattered all over one yard (area of about 300 square feet). They avoid holes I've sprinkled with cornmeal. I read elsewhere that they'll probably just move - but to where? The grass over the colony is squishy but reasonably healthy - so far. Question is this, at what point should I take serious action?




  1. I'm a believer in getting rid of pests early, before they are a serious problem.  If you can find a natural or organic repellant, more power to you.  But, if that were my yard, I would immediately apply a granular pest killer.

  2. when you cant go outside without u bothering them or they r in ur house

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