
Ant problem!?

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I have an ant problem! They are everywhere in my yard and as soon as food hits the ground they appear. So I feed my dogs and five minutes later they have taken over my dogs food. My son drops food or leave a drink cup lying around and they are there. I don't see many mounds in my yard a few here and there. I know I have fire ants I'm not sure what other ants I have but I need to get ri of them using something safe to put arond where my dogs eat. One got sick last week I think because of ants in her food. Anyone know of something i can use in house things or at least safe store bought things.




  1. ~I use sidewalk chalk and draw a nice thick circle around the cat's dishes. They will not cross the line and it has completely eliminated them getting into the food and water. Re-apply as needed.~

  2. Ants hate Cheyenne pepper !!!

    ant traps work for my daughter in the open and she uses the Cheyenne pepper where the kids can't get into it.

    maybe put the dogs dish in a cake pan to surround the dish in water.just remember to keep the water changed

    good luck

  3. I know your problem. When I go camping with family or even at home... ants are its terrible.

    You can try clean out kitty-litter containers (Not litter boxes. The plastic boxes kitty-litter is bought in by gallons is what I'm talking about to store dog food). You should focus on getting rid of them, such as deterrents like lawn fertilizer that kills them at the same time.
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