
Anthrax Terrorist Attack (after 9/11/2001) unsolved - - Justice Dept. to pay $5.8 million to wronged citizen?

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Who's to blame here? Are the citizens of America safe from a future attack like this? Here's story as posted late Friday afternoon - - [a primetime for Bush administration to get negative stories out of the news cycle]

Army scientist who was named as a person of interest in the 2001 anthrax attacks will receive $5.8 million to settle his lawsuit against the Justice Department. Steven Hatfill claimed the Justice Department violated his privacy rights by speaking with reporters about the case.

Settlement documents were filed in federal court Friday. Both sides have agreed to the deal, according to the documents, and as soon as they are signed, the case will be dismissed.

The deal requires the Justice Department to pay $2.825 million up front and buy Hatfill a $3 million annuity that will pay him $150,000 each year for 20 years.

''Our government failed us, not only by failing to catch the anthrax mailers but by seeking to conceal that failure,'' Hatfill's lawyers said.




  1. Pretty scary...I remember thinking not too long ago, "whatever happened with that whole anthrax scare?", and now we know that whoever did that is still at large, and that they had/have access to weaponized anthrax made by our military, possibly at Fort Detrick in Maryland...The investigation has now gone ice cold

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