
Anthropogenic global warming skeptics - how will you react if global warming "returns"?

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Let's just assume that in a few months the average global temperature returns to around 0.5-0.6°C warmer than the 1951-1980 average, where it was most of last year (one of the warmest on record).

If and when this happens, after making such a huge deal about global warming 'disappearing' in January 2008, how will you react? Will you admit you were wrong to claim global warming has stopped and/or global cooling is setting in? Will you try to re-write history and pretend you didn't make a huge deal out of one month's worth of data? How will you explain the hubub over the relatively cool single month of January (or few months, if La Nina continues to be strong)?

Or will you now go on on record predicting that the temperatures will remain near the current level? I'll happily go on record predicting that in a few months they will return to previous levels.




  1. I'll probably just say ok... global warming is still going on but I still wouldn't believe it's humans.

    But until their is a 99% "consensus" and perfect proof of AGW... I'm gonna believe that something else is driving Global Warming.

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