
Anthropologists: Why do mulattoes like Obama and jews like Lieberman hide behind other colors and ethnicity's?

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They are not white nor black!

they are other minorities named above

Barack= Mulatto

Lieberman= Jew




  1. Uh, whoever otld you they're hiding has been lying to you. They've both been upfront about the completely meaningless and utterly irrelevant characteristics you're referring to.

    But, since no one with more than one functioning brain cell CARES, it's no big deal to anyone.

    BTW, Lieberman IS white; he's also Jewish.

  2. We, as a PC obsessed society, have decided that a person who is half black and half white is a black person.   Where the scientific justification for this is, I don't know.

  3. Mulatto is a relative, cultural term. In many countries (like Brazil) Obama would be considered to be a member of a race similar in status to "white" in the USA.  Joseph Lieberman is an Orthodox Jew so I'm a little confused as to the "hiding" aspect of   his identity.

  4. It is pretty silly to try and define someone as pure white or pure black.  Jews are Caucasians but obviously not exactly the same as Celts or Germans.  Germans look dark compared to me so is that supposed to make them and pretty much every one else on earth less of a Caucasian as well.  Where should we draw the lines that divides races on the map.  Obviously you can't so the whole distinction is rather meaningless.  It is pretty stupid of Obama to call himself black when he was raised by his white mother.  It is sad but racism is alive on both sides of the political spectrum. It has very little meaning in biology because the differences between the different races is so superficial.

  5. Obama didn't handle his multiethic identity crisis as well as Tiger Woods who refuses to identify with any, worried that it would offend one or other parent but then the guy who made it work for him was Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel couldn't get parts because his ethicity was uncertainity so he created a film, "On a budget of $3000, Multi-Facial was shot in 3 days. In it, Vin starred as, well, as himself, really, playing a multi-ethnic actor who, deemed suitable for neither black nor white roles, tries a different ethnicity for each audition and fails every time."........Then, out of the blue, a call came through, a dream call from Steven Spielberg. Spielberg, impressed by a viewing of Multi-Facial, said he was writing a part for Vin in his next epic, to be titled Saving Private Ryan."

    Being multiethic seems like more of an asset than liability if you leave eveyone guessing. LOL

  6. As a Black woman who's the mother of two bi-racial children I take exception to what you're saying.  What race is Obama hiding behind????  Lets take this from an historical point of view as regards to Obama.  In the US if you are 1/13th percent Black you are considered Black that has only started to change in the last 20 to 30 years.  But by legal definition in the US he is Black irregardless of his mother's race.  As for Joe Liberman he's a White man who happens to be Jewish.Being Jewish is not a race it's a religion because there are Jews of all the races and all the nationalities.

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