
Anthropology 101.... tough course?

by Guest10633  |  earlier

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I need to add one more class to my college spring 2008 semester schedule and i was thinking of adding anthropology 101. i was wondering if this is a hard class? because i need to add a course thats not too much work because i already have a load already. give me some feedback...thanks




  1. Depending on your university, an introductory Anthro course can be a survey of the four fields of Anthropology:  cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and phyiscial/biological anthropology OR, as in the case of the university I went to, Anthro 101 focused on a survey of archaeology and physical/biological anthropology AND Anthro 102 forcused on a survey of cultural and linguistic anthropology.  Either way, you will find it interesting.  Of course I'm biased, (I have a degree in Anthropology), but I think it would do a person well to take at least one introductory anthropology course.  Yes, there will probably be a lot of reading, but it will be so interesting you won't mind.

    By the way, I also took Sociology 101 and found it extremely boring.  Anthropology is a MUCH more interesting field.  Go for it and good luck!

  2. Tough course? Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ( do you hear the hysterical laughter? )

  3. I found it to be an easy class when I took it, if you enjoy social science it'll be a snap.

  4. Read "The White Hunter"

    Probably out of circulation.

    It definitely,started my Quest.

  5. if this is a cultural class then its not taht hard but there will prolly be alot of reading. if this is physical anthro then it will be a little more difficult. you will be dealing w/ evolution and hardy-weinberg, things of that sort, prolly some memorization of genus and species of primate...

    at least thats what i remmebr form my physical and cultural antrho classes

  6. It varies.  Can you check the class size?  If it's less than 30 students, that's more difficult than a class of 60+ becuase a professor can grade sets of 30 essays when 60-100 wouldn't be practical.  Also, the professor's teaching style will greatly affect the class.  Check and see if you can find out what previous students have to say about the professor's style.  Other than that, you could just sign up, go to the first class, check the syllabus, etc. and drop it in the first week to pick up another class instead if you don't like the look of it.

  7. Anthro 101 for me was the basics of all the different subjects in anthropology.  Big class, lots of reading, mostly multiple choice tests.  (class of 300+)  I thought it was a breeze, but I had friends in Engineering who thought it was tough.  Go figure.

    If you take it, I hope you enjoy reading.  A lot.

  8. Anthropology isn't a hard topic but I don't exactly know about the class. But I am sure that it would be easy if you have great interest in Anthropology.

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