
Anthropology: Help please.?

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Is the idea of a tribal african with a bone through his nose an imperial invention? Did Europeans invent and Hollywood spread this idea as I suspect, or is there evidence of a culture that practiced this?




  1. No, it's not a Hollywood invention. Apparently, even the Mayans pierced their noses through the septum. You can read about it at the following link.

  2. Nose

    Nose piercing was first recorded in the Middle East approximately 4,000 years ago. It is mentioned in The Bible in Genesis 24:22. Abraham requested his oldest servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, and the servant found Rebekah. o­ne of the gifts he gave her was a "golden earring" - the original Hebrew word used was Shanf, which also translates as "nose-ring".

    The practice of nose-piercing is still followed among the nomadic Berber and Beja tribes of Africa, and the Bedouins of the Middle East. The size of the ring denotes the wealth of the family. It is given by the husband to his wife at the marriage, and is her security if she is divorced.

    Nose piercing was bought to India in the 16th Century from the Middle East by the Moghul emperors. In India a stud (Phul) or a ring (Nath) is usually worn in the left nostril. It is sometimes joined to the ear by a chain, and in some places both nostrils are pierced. The left side is the most common to be pierced in India, because that is the spot associated in Ayuvedra (Indian medicine) with the female reproductive organs. This piercing is supposed to make childbirth easier and lessen period pain.

    In the west nose piercing first appeared among the hippies who traveled to India in the late 1960's. It was later adopted by the Punk movement of the late 1970's as a symbol of rebellion against conservative values. The piercing of the septum is probably the second most common piercing among primitive peoples after ear piercing - it's even more common than nostril piercing. It's probably popular for the same reasons as nose piercing, with the added attraction that the piercing can be stretched and large pieces of jewelry can be inserted, i.e. pig's tusks, pieces of bone, feathers, pieces of wood, etc.

    The septum piercing is particularly prevalent among warrior cultures. This probably has to do with the fact that large tusks through the septum give the face a fierce appearance. The use of septum tusks is very prevalent in Irian Jaya, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, pig's tusks being the most popular. Among the Asmat tribe of Irian Jaya the most prestigious septum tusk is the "Otsj" - this is a large bone plug, which can be as thick as 25mm. They are usually made of the leg bones of a pig, but occasionally they are made from the Tibia bone of an enemy slain in battle.

    The Septum piercing was beloved by the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Incas. They wore a variety of jewelry, but jade and gold were the most popular because of their religious associations. The modern day Cuna Indians of Panama continue this practice by wearing thick pure gold rings in their septum.

    The piercing is also popular in India, Nepal, and Tibet, a pendant "Bulak" is worn, and some examples are so large as to prevent the person being able to eat, the jewelry has to be lifted up during meals. In Rajasthan in Himachal Pradesh these Bulak are particularly elaborate, and extremely large.

    Septum piercing was widely practiced by many North American Indian tribes. The name of the Nez Perc, tribe of Washington State, stems from their practice of piercing the septum. Nez Perc, is French for "nose pierced," and was given to the tribe by the French fur traders. Australian aboriginals pierced the septum and passed a long stick or bone through the piercing to flatten the nose, as they believed a flat nose to be the most desirable.

    Among the Bundi tribe of the Bismarck Ranges of Papua New Guinea the piercing is performed using the thin end of the Sweet Potato plant (Ogai Iriva), usually at age 18-22. The age at which the piercing is done varies greatly between different tribes. Some tribes perform the rite at age 9-10.

  3. Oh yes!  That and rings around the necks and plates in the lips.

    Have seen photos of that.  Not to forget female circumcision.  ~

    And now we have supposedly civilized people in the USA doing identical things to themselves.

    The 'barbarians' are taking over the world...

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