
Anthropology deals with foreign ancient societies - Sociology deals with local modern societies?

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Is the definition true?




  1. Sociology, study human interactions... thus politicking among humans...

    Anthropology, is everything related to human activities (related to food and gathering, cultivations and on)...

  2. repeat of an answer I gave to a similar question

    They both do, the difference lies in how the study is done (not who is being studied as several answers seem to suggest). Both anthropologists and sociologists can look at their own or other cultures there are two main differences - while sociologists typically look at one culture, anthropologists look at a culture in relation to others around the world and humanity in general. Second - anthropology is a holistic view that looks at both biological and cultural interaction, trying to identify how the whole system works. Although there are generally four accepted subfields of anthropology (cultural, physical, linguistics and archaeology) many academic programs expect a student to have some familiarity with each field and how they work together to provide holistic understandings.

    Wikipedia definitions for each identify some of these differences.

    Sociology - an academic and applied discipline that studies society and human social interaction. Sociological research ranges from the analysis of short contacts between anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes. The field focuses on how and why people are organized in society, either as individuals or as members of associations, groups, and institutions.

    Anthopology - is the comparative study of the physical and social characteristics of humanity through the examination of historical and present geographical distribution, cultural history, acculturation, and cultural relationships.

    It is holistic in two senses: it is concerned with all human beings across times and places, and with all dimensions of humanity (evolutionary, biophysical, sociopolitical, economic, cultural, psychological, etc.).

  3. i wouldn't agree with that fully.

    it is thought that anthropology deals with foreign, exotic, ancient societies, but the true is that anthropologists also work with their own societies. the difference is that anthropological research takes more time than sociological and it is based on qualitative research mode when sociological combines both qualitative and quantitative.

    Also, anthropologists work dealing with the modern societies as there have been made some researches I've heard of like defining the AIDS, ethnicity and nationalism, politics and power, etc. - the issues that are still questionable and important nowadays.

  4. And with what does Cultural Anthropology deal?

    Sociology is just a repeat of Cultural Anthropology.

  5. Anthropology studies a race of people in any time.

    Sociology examines how people interact with one another.

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