
Anti-Abortionists: how do you practice contraception?

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Do you:

- Spend money on a condom every time you have s*x (or naively assume the man will always think about bringing one, and the bill adds up after a while)

- Take the pill or any other similar hormone-based contraceptive (in which case you will be prepared the entire month, all year long and so on... )

- Take a morning after pill (although you can only take up to 2 pills a year, and preferrably not one in december, the other one in january)

- abstain from having s*x until you are married (once you're married, having children is quite normal, isn't it? - very naive thinking, though)

- [insert other option here]




  1. Condoms.  Until I want another.

    That said, if the condom failed, I'd let nature take it's course.

  2. Before I was married I kept condoms handy and was on birthcontrol until that almost killed me because of high blood pressure and I only had one s*x partner who is now my husband. If any method of birth control had ever failed for me I would never have considered abortion or the morning after pill. All unborn children should have the right to live. Abortion is butchering of innocent souls. Maybe those who believe abortion is okay should start being very careful when having s*x or keep their legs closed.

  3. i believe that if you dont want to get pregnant then ethier party or both should take precautions, as i dont believe that abortion should be used only in case of medical emergencieas to ethier mum or baby

  4. Well you stay abstinence. If you are unable to provide for a child or to selfish to and want to have an abortion your are clearly to immature, irresponsible, inconsiderate for s*x.

  5. i'm having my tubes tied after baby #3 is born and if for some strange reason i should get pregnant after my tubes have been tied then i must have been meant to have another one and i will just accept it. God has plans for everyone.

  6. whats s*x?

    lol some people believe that s*x will never be brought up and therefore will never happen.

    *gasp* s*x

    some people think of it as taboo

    and omfg your going to h**l for doing it for fun idea probably keep people from doing it, if you dont belive the dedication of some of these people watch jesus camp, its an interesting film an eye opener too.

    Practice abstinence?

  7. hysterectomy

  8. i think that all of the above options are a h**l of a lot better than using abortions as a method of contraception. if you are worried about the price of buying condoms then any family planning centre, GUM clinic or doctors surgery will give free condoms to you if you ask. this is to help reduce the number of teenage pregnancies and people who think that having an abortion is something that you can do for contraception. if i were you i would get on the pill and use condoms just to be safe. and if that is too much trouble, just dont have s*x until you are older,

  9. Since I had my daughter, I have been on the depo jabs. In a couple of weeks time I will be on the Impant, I do not plan on getting pregnant again, and if I do I won't be aborting, I would probably keep the baby or give it up for adoption. I cant use Condoms as I am allergic to Latex, and the non-latex ones are more expensive in my area!

    I am not 100% against abortion, its only the fact that having one would sh*t the life out of me (and it does), if a woman has one that is her choice. I think I am pro-choice, but dont want an abortion myself.

  10. yeh, id also like to ask all the pro lifers who jump up and down and say adoption is the answer...

    how many kids have you adopted?

    how many kids have you fostered?

    how much money do you donate to the cause of adoption, fostering, care homes etc?

    just something for you all to think about before you shout baby killer.

    Nichola, Mummy to 11mos old Sophie x*x

  11. You can now get an injection which is hormones (a bit like taking the pill) and that lasts a year.

    Or you can get a coil fitted.

  12. Shouldn't this be directed to ANYONE that is using birth control? Why the labeling "Anti-Abortionists"?

    Oh, I see, just trying to stir up an argument...

  13. I waited for marriage, and when my husband and I thought about waiting on children, we looked in spermisides.

    I didn't want to use pills because even then a child can be concived, but the lining is so thin it's hard to root so it dies and falls out.

    I wanted to use something that caused the egg and sperm to never meet. I'd rather spend money on it, than kill a child. So for us... condoms, spermicides, and such are the way to go.

  14. i am on the implant so i dont get pregnant right now, but i am going to try for a baby in september. we are married before u say, get married first

  15. What does it matter how they practice contraception so long as they arent running round having unplanned babies.  It seems from your question that you are equating being anti-abortion with being either a s*l*u*t or with being frigid!!  I dont know what got your back up enough to write a question like this but you need to back off its totally unnecessary!

  16. if you do want to take responsibility for having s*x and taking the chance of having babies, then A do not have s*x or just Get your tubes tied. Or you might want to try a IUD that last for 5 years and really has no effect on your hormones, plus does not affect s*x and has been most effective.

  17. abortion is the most disgusting way of relieving yourself responsibility,as littlemu said there are plenty of ways to get condoms.

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