
Anti-EU flag/emblem/logo?

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I am looking for a good emblem to put on t-shirts, badges etc to represent anti-EU (not anti europe etc, just anti EU) - something every one can wear to show their distain for this expensive, corrupt, unrepresentative, anti-freedom organisation.

Probably a parady of the existing EU emblem - is there anything out there already?




  1. I suggest you produce a poster of the bliar kissing angela merkel;that should do it.

  2. Well do it now whilst you can, there is no doubt that the Govt will win this one, regardless if they give us a referendum or not, it is inevitable that we will become part of the oppresive Euro Superstate.

    If people really think they can stop this then they are delusional, we live in an Illusion Democracy, not a true Democracy. We can fight but it will be in vain.

    Here's some things we can look forward to.

    And when we are part of the Superstate it will be illegal to critisise the EU under the 1999 ruling under the European Court of Justice case c274/99. So protest now while you still can. Me, I have given up hope. Capitalism, power and corruption always win and this is what the EU is all about.

  3. may find yourself sent off to camps for 're educating' in european ways.

    It wont be long and it will be a 'crime' to say or do anything that is against the EU.

    In effect, No political party will ever again be able to stand on a democratic ticket.

    If its not the EU way...then its NO WAY.

    In the old Russia the camps were called 'Gulags' and mostly situated in sunny Siberia.

  4. As someone else said, it is illegal to 'critisize the EU'.  

    But anyway, you could put a picture of the head of every politician and leader who is in this, and then the hand of god with a giant hammer coming down over the top of them.  Like one of those bop the duck games.

  5. Recent polls show that the majority of British people do not want to be linked into the European Union to the degree likely to be imposed upon them. Adding to support that 'No Vote' in any way will be a good thing.

  6. I have seen people with t-shirts with the EU flag and a big red x through the flag - very original! I don't think I'd get one though!

  7. We note that a fellow answerer of questions has posted a link to our website.Please note our designs are covered by copyrite so may we suggest you do not use our designs on your products.

  8. You may like to try here...

  9. hi PP

    hey my friend you better read this first you could end up in a camp for reeducation to become a right thinking European

    The European Union has the constitution of a dictatorship, the laws of a police state

    11_12_07treatya.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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