
Anti Feminists, what aspect of Feminism are you against?

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Please give me an realistic example or situation such as I don't like when women insist on taking vacation from their job with the excuse of pregnancy.

Currently, I believe they criticize it because they're afraid to lose their fraternity.




  1. Love, you ask such great questions I wish you were going to get more balanced answers.

    There are aspects of feminism I totally support...for both men and women. Equal rights in employment and in the courts (including more fairness regarding custody of children).  I support the right of both women and men to choose the lifestyle they want, including to be a stay at home mom or dad.  There may be other things as well that I have not thought about for years.

    The men in this forum over and over try to be the ones who define feminism.  Perhaps that is what has happened everywhere and perhaps that is why feminism is not going to go away.

    Women, no matter what their beliefs, are special, strong, gifted, important, needed, able to contribute to the good of the world ever bit as much as a man.

  2. Note that none of the anti-feminists here have claimed to oppose equality. I honestly think they would call themselves feminists, or at least feminist sympathizers, if not for the presence of certain undesirables.

  3. The hypocrisy seen in the feminist laws and policies that favor women, despite feminists insisting the are for equality.  The misandry that runs rampant throughout feminism and the denial that it exists.

  4. Specifically, my husband and my son are getting screwed.

    I can't help what men did back in the good ol' days to their "old ladies", but what did my hubby(born in 1980) and my son have to do with it?

    My little boy won't be able to get scholarships for college because he is a white male.

    There are no "white male scholarships".

    Specifically, I'm sick of heraing about womens' gyms and womens' clubs and all-women universities.

    I'm tired of women crying sexual harrassment because a man looked at her sideways.

    Specifically, I'm tired of girls saying that "boys are bad" and telling our sons that there is something wrong with them because they have a p***s.

    Specifically, I'm tired of all of the women calling false rape to ruin someone's life because they can.

    Specifically, I'm tired of hearing about women having abortions as a form of birth control.

    Specifically, I'm tired of being told that I'm a bad mother because I choose to stay home and take care of the children that I had.

    Specifically, I'm tired of the whining and crying when we don't even know how GOOD we have it right now!


    Specifically, I blame the feminists for supporting that horrrendous. eye-gouging, ear-bleeding v****a Monologues.  

  5. There's a List of Aspects of Feminism to choose from?

    This is news to me.  

    Your website is c**p: an opinion piece.

    You would do well to learn to better evaluate the authority and credibility of the stuff you find on the internet.

    *So if you recognise that its c**p, why would you link to it?  There is no purpose in this.

    *Irony, lol I get it now.  Sorry.  Yes, I totally agree with you.

  6. In the federal budget for health research for every dollar spent on womens health 30 cent's is spent on mens health care.

         There are thousands of programs that benifit women but not a single one that assist's men.

        Feminist routinly lie and distort the facts to suite them.

    Feminist general male bashing in the media.

    The hostile enviroment feminist's have created on most college campus's.

       The sexism in the educational system targeted at males I blame on the feminist war against boy's.

            Generaly I dislike feminist's because I realize if feminist's get there way there is a very real possibility I could find myself in a death camp.

            History has no pity for fools. And only a fool would ignore the hate speach's,propoganda.

    If humanity learned one lesson from the holocaust it should be this: "When someone says they want to wipe out a group based on race,religion or gender you should pay attention and watch them closely because if you let your gaurd down they will do what they said they will do."

  7. The part where you believe you have a right to say you represent ALL women.

    You don't

    They want their equal rights and opportunities and they've got them. What they don't need is you looking at the continued inequalities in areas you believe denote "success" which are actually a result of women CHOOSING not to take the opportunity given.

    Basically you can have all the opportunity in the world but if people don't want to use it the "inequaities" remain.

    So you think its your god given right to coerce them, its not.

    Its about them choosing what THEY want.

    Get over yourself

    edit: Rio I oppose equality as a concept in of itself because everyone has their own brand

    I accept some forms of equality like equal opportunity and fundamental rights because as i'm sure you've heard me explain those are equitable (fair).

    I suppose it comes down to what you really mean by "equality". But when statements like "we will not stop until there are equal numbers of men and women in high powered positions" get thrown around I get very skeptical. It begins to sound like a new wave of communism.

    People must earn their outcomes on an equal footing, you can't grant it to them or give them more opportunity based on gender, race etc.

    EDIT: is this a self-validating question? I suppose we'll find out when you award best answer

  8. Mostly the hypocrisy and double standards. Also, the lack of consistency, the chest beating, the victim card, the whining, the man hating, the man blaming, the rebelliousness, etc.

    My favorite example is using the "its her body" argument to defend abortion while ignoring this SAME argument when talking about prostitution, public nudity and other illegal activities.  

  9. Well I am not Anti-Feminism, there has been a need for it and it has done good.  But I think most disagree with the unfair treatment in the courts systems and the fact that feminists are not speaking out against this shows they do not really care about men, only themselves.  This is where a lot of the "feminism is for more rights not equal rights" stuff comes from.

  10. Fighting for special laws, benefits and privileges that favor women but discriminated against men.

    Academic classes(Women's Studies) teaching hating on men to young and impressionable minds.

    Expect equal outcome.

    Expect equal pay for less work (aka "wage gap")

    Spewing out false, bias and sexist studies.

    Writing anti-male literature and articles.



  11. hypocrisy, misandry, using gender equality as a masquerade ideology,  destroying society.

  12. Like I said before; it doesn't  trip my trigger.;...  And when I say that I mean the whole enchilada; besides, I don't believe even in equality.  Belief in myself will suffice.

  13. If motherhood is the ideal for women - why is taking time off using the  FMLA for pregnancy wrong?  

    My sons are white males and got college and grad school scholarships- so at least one poster is way off base in that answer and most of her other ones.  

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