
Anti-Feminists, why are you against feminism?

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Is it, A.Women having rights and more opportunities in the work force.

B.The radical feminists, the ones that hate men and want more rights, and special privelges.

C.Both, and your just plain sexist.




  1. I am not a man but from life experience I can say that SOME men (anti-feminists) feel very threatened by smart, strong women, particularly when they voice an opposing opinion or "prove" a man wrong. It somehow "weakens" them. Blah!

  2. Strong independent females don't rely on a man for everything and can therefore make decisions on her own that may go the mans wishes.  A docile submissive female just does not correct the man when  they are wrong and will always be there.  Even if he makes mistakes.  It is a personal choice for the male to decide on the level of difficulty he likes.  Kinda like video games.  Choose easy and you can get away with a lot before it is over.  Choose hard and It is going to be a long time until you get out of level one and start level two.  Dependent girl forgives me when I cheat and independent girl leaves me when I cheat.

  3. I do think women should have more opportunities in the workplace and in government.

    However the feminist movement has brought about that most women have to work now when they use to stay home and take care of their own children which I do not percieve as a good thing for our country.

    And perhaps in retaliation laws were changed with regard to alimony. I knew one woman up in years whos husband left her for another woman and she got no alimony and had never worked so she was in a real bind just to exist.

  4. Too many feminists denigrate women who make the choice to stay at home and raise children.  You get a lot of eye-rolling, even though it's their choice.

    There's also the underlying assumption that all men are basically bad.  

    I could go on and on.....

  5. D.  All of the above and then some; ANTI-FEMALE

  6. The feminists make it possible for special benefits and rights based on your race not necessarily gender

  7. I'm only for natural-given equal rights where at times they, in a blue moon, will be 50/50; other wise I'm for that 45/55, 62/38 etc. scenario where it can bend either way depending upon the situation; calling it taking turns in taking the rap, the full load, etc.  To me Feminism, which was coined in the States circa 1906 is a title to a movement.  Still I can type the word here (feminism) and delete it here (*feminism*) just like I did.  In essence I could care less about being politically, economically and or socially equal; it's not going to make me or break me; nor will it do any more than what the believers attribute to it; be it good or bad.  I hate to be picky with point "A" . but a lot of job standards have been lowered so women like ourselves for apply for certain jobs.  In point "b" radicals are more of a hyper version of Feminism; no more and no less.  And in point "C" believing in something that others don't doesn't make me sexist; it just makes me different; being different is not the same as being sexist and or being afraid; you forgot that one.  Along with all that I have said it won't make me any more of a human-being that I already am.  It's only a word, the name or title to a movement; no more and no less that won't cause me to speak my mind any more than I do now; I'm always speaking my mind; that is I don't believe in the kettle is black just because a man says it is; while still being quite capable in doing as I am told.  What I'm saying is I don't need Feminism to build or tear down my character; when it comes to  that I can do a fine job all on my own; when I do I want to credit and, or blame myself - myself.

  8. Being a woman, I am not againt womens rights but even I get frustrated because of option B. Some women take it too far.

    But obviously i'm all for equality.

  9. It's more the radical ones who p**s me off. We have come a long way in the past century and yet we still want more, more, more. When will it ever be enough? I want to be recognized and respected for my accomplishments, not because people feel sorry for me as a woman. I am a woman, not challenged. If I work as hard as anyone else I can achieve just as much if not more than a man.

  10. B.

  11. I'm not anti fem, but I need points so I'll fake it.

    Feminists would tell women with low self-esteem that they should not have s*x with me out of some desperate attemp to be accepted. Also they would say that I am a loser and that the woman should stop her pattern of picking losers guys to date. That would really suck for me.

  12. Um, because I could be sitting at home all day having tupperware parties with Mrs. B nextdoor, and all I would have to do is laundry, cooking, watching the kids. Now, I have to do all that plus go to work too.

    The feminist movement helped ruin the economy. It now takes two working parents to even think about having a child, which is kind of an oxymoron because if you're at work all the time, you can't raise a child properly. Barefoot and pregnant!

  13. A-Fem's realize that if women were truly equal they wouldn't need feminism-- as they'd already naturally create and take advantage of opportunities to a degree equal to men, and wouldn't need any social construct to point out or enforce that ideal.

  14. Just because a person does not agree with their beliefs does not make that person sexist...

    Personally, I am against the feminist agenda because it (among many other things) is destroying our society.   The main issue in my mind is the feminist's direct contribution to the decay of marriage.  By teaching women to leave a man over problems, rather than learning to work it out, they have contributed directly to the decay of a fundamental cornerstone of our society.  Rather than learning to stick it out through the tough times, and learning to forgive someone for their mistakes, feminists have told women to "dump his ***.  You can do better.  You don't need him...."  Just one more facet of our "disposable culture".  

    All the while, infidelity rates have soared.  For the first time in history, women are more likely to cheat in a relationship than a man is.  This is a natural outgrowth of permissive attitudes towards cheating and more women in the workplace.  Does this mean it is solely the woman's fault?  Of course not, but for the first time she is more likely to be the culprit of infidelity than he is.  (s*x in the City...  Desperate Housewives... Hello?  The shows essentially promote sleeping around and cheating...)

    This decaying marriage structure is having unintended negative consequences throughout the rest of society.  Specifically, CHILDREN SHOULD BE RAISED BY THEIR PARENTS.  NOT SOME STRANGER AT A DAYCARE....

    In societies and cultures since man (and woman) came down from the trees, women have been the primary caregivers.  There is nothing wrong with that, and it is blessed and the most important job they can perform in their lives.  It is not sexism to believe the child, and society as a whole, is better served by women staying home and raising their own children.

    It is this lack of a proper home life early in childhood that has contributed to the spoiled ****** up generations we have today.  Each generation of kids in the last half century has been more spoiled and materialistic than the one before.  You connect the dots...

    I know I will get alot of thumbs down for this, but you asked for an honest answer.  I do not hate or judge WOMEN, however I am against an AGENDA which I believe is more harmful than positive.

  15. Some anti-fems hate women;

    -others want women to be their servant and are mad they can't find as many women who are willing to do it;

    -some don't like the competition in the workplace;

    -others are religious and believe the bible says that women should be submissive-which it doesn't;

    -some use men's rights groups to harass their ex-wives;

    -some are bitter that they lost their wife and children and don't know why;

    -some are paranoid and think they'll be accused of rape or battering if they look at a woman the wrong way (it makes you wonder just why they are so worried..);

    -some complain that they hate having to watch what they say at work (in other words they miss the good ole days of harassing women at work)

    -some like to call women who want to be taken care of and are gold diggers feminists when they are anything but a feminist

    -some believe all feminists are radicals and hate men-even though the majority of feminists are married-to men

    -some think wanting equal rights is special rights since they don't believe in equality-they only see superiority or inferiority-and they don't want to be the inferior ones

  16. Mostly B, but I just can't stand the self-righteousness.

    And the thumbs down to a lesser extent.

  17. not a nor b nor c

    feminists, racists and homophobes all bother me.

    ...the dishonesty and the slandering of men, why am i any more responsible for a rapist's or serial killers behavior than you are?.

    if blame is going to be laid with one gender it should be the female gender, rapists and serial generally had abusive mothers and that is why they go out and **** women up.

    domestic abuse, you all pretend that it's one sided, more lies. wage gap, more lies.

    men have provided you with a great many technologies and luxuries. feminism can't seem to acknowledge that fact..... and so it goes on.

    there's too many reasons to dislike feminism...

  18. It's not that I'm against feminism as a whole, I'm against the kind that promotes and accepts double-standards and reverse sexism against men in their effort to create "equality".


  19. I'm no longer calling myself an anti-feminist.  I prefer equalists. I don't believe we men should try to get in the way of women so long as what they are seeking is just.  I just don't want to see policies come into effect that penalize a man for being born what he is.

  20. i'm not an anti-feminist but some of their views are so biased that I don't agree with. Like how many of them think that it is bad for a woman to be a teacher, or how some think having more than one child turns you into a slave!! Or how they discourage women from taking their children to Disney World! There are some that discourage mother's who give their daughters a princess style bed room. I say it's your child do what you want with them. And when it comes to boys and how  some of them think boys should be raised..... don't get me started...

  21. I don't think that by choosing one of those would make you a sexist.  Saying that you "Hate all men" is sexist.

    I do NOT hate feminists, I do however believe in gender equality.  Women deserve to be treated the same as men.

  22. Because feminism IS sexism. Feminism demands that we treat ONLY women as people. Feminists consistantly oppose actual fair treatment for men. Feminists tell lie after lie after lie about the issues that they lobby about (You'd never know from feminists that women commit close to 50% of all domestic violence, nor that L*****n couples have higher rates of DV than do heterosexual couples... ).  

    Lets be clear about some more facts. It was an almost all male US Congress that passed the Pay Equity Act of 1963, three years before NOW was formed. So, to claim that feminists got women equal rights is factually wrong. It was people who believed in HUMAN rights (Which includes men both as activists and as those who earn such rights) who moved society towards more fairness on such issues. But, feminists never wanted fairness for others, they merely and consistantly want more, more, MORE for themselves, and to heck with everyone who dares to disagree with them, as well as to slur and attack those who disagree.

    In politics, this philosophy is properly called fascism. Thats feminism for you.

  23. "Feminism" has a bad name in America. While feminism has greatly improved the lot of many women and had an undeniable impact on changing men's assumptions (for the better), it is tarred as radical in a conservative culture. What always blows my mind is when I come across a woman who bashes feminism. Almost always this is just a case of her not understanding what feminism is about.

    Of course, for many people, it will always be easier to attack a "straw (wo)man" version of feminism than to ever admit that a primarily "leftist" cause improved society.

  24. B.The radical feminists, the ones that hate men and want more rights, and special privelges.

    They are equal to men already. We get the d**n point. There's no need to make it go the other way around.

    Besides, seeing b***s is distracting to men and handicaps us in the workplace.

  25. I do not consider myself anti-feminist, but I certainly disagree with some of their more radical beliefs and tenets.

  26. b b always b

    im certainly not sexist, that wouldnt make any sense


    you see

    you answer honestly.......

    and im betting its all those who are bs are the ones thumbing down too.......

    they hate women too,

    they just seem to be h**l bend on world domination, and like any and all good dictators, hate everyone who is in the way of that......

    but also like any and all dictators they really beleive its for the good of all women, (how can it be if you go around hating on women too??? yeah doesnt makes sense does it

    its for yourselves....we all know it)

    i mean

    being female  im hardly FOR being treated like an unequal

    i love womens rights, i love equality, i love emily p, but feminists nowadays are just extremists 'radicals' to use your words

    what do they have to fight for?

    only themselves and getting what THEY now want

    not what WOMEN now want

    cos women on the whole  have what they wanted and what they were deserved of

    equality, equal rights, freedom to vote, freedom of speech , towork etc etc etc

  27. your q reads like u really NEED the info...


    the anti-feminism  is because they perceive your intent is to emasculate the males, or male role from them

    you've no right or need to do that,btw

    I'd be glad to see you have half the seats in Washington.

    I'd see you fully half in charge of everything, be glad of it,welcome the balance, the fairness,

      and very much the possibility that we might start tending to some domestic needs because of it (instead of exclusively be about adult boys playing war, and cops&robbers, and nothing elses, nothing  decent at all

    perhaps it tells that I trusted my mother  a helluva lot more than the males who beat me and stuck me in a corner to think about it, but

    I'd even expect that you'd re-establish some safety regs and laws that say we cant be fleeced by big business...I'd want to trust you not to rob us, to recognize how HUGELY wrong that is and stop it.

    I'd be THAT much  feminist myself, right there at your side. And I am at your side.

    BUT! you've really no right or need to make the males in life feel effeminized, feel that the typical natural role which is masculine is being taken from them


    THAT'S where you lose them

    Ads which show men in a feminine positions (ouch!)

    News items..

    Do you REALLY not understand this?

    Dont do to them what you wouldnt have them do to you!


    EDIT - btw, as campaigns go, 3rd wave feminsim has a drastic need to re-brand!

    That's business language, but, I'm saying you're using PR entirely the wrong way. You have to MAKE the successful image in the public mind's eye, that you need.

    And right now THEY are BRANDING you!

    And you are looking bad!

    And I'm very disappointed about that.

    Sheesh! How come you couldnt even put a woman president in and some more women legislators in when you had such a big beautiful historic chance handed you?

    Dont you recognize it doesnt MATTER if she isnt "perfect" as a candidate, what mattered HUMUNGOUSLY was just that she was a she, and youy'd have broken that barrier.

    I'm really disappointed.

    About that.

    And about feminism being a bad word. (Remember learning about the first wave, and what a GREAT story in  history that was?((it still makes my heart grow a little bigger when I think of it)) does  - because it's people standing up for themselves,and TAKING what they need  DEMOCRATICALLY.

    (Who does that now?   No one.)


    EDIT ----> Now look at the answer above mine. LOOK AT HER PERCEPTION----->whether she's right or wrong DOESNT MATTER if you want to have a movement you gotta regard their perception!!!!! Answer to it by giving it what it needs.

    SHE doesnt realize it isnt feminism that made her HAVE TO work.

    *(((It's the capitalist republic you call the government taking ALLthe profit  which the ever-increasing productivty in the economy produces.)))

    In other words people should be working just 4 six hour days for quintuple the pay theyre currently getting, by now.

    It wouldnt hurt big business at all to GIVE BACK(NOT STEAL IN THE FIRST PLACE/NOT BE ALLOWED TO!) that much in profit

    (its your money that your work produced ). But they just took it.

    And you let them.

    Every year the amount of profit businesses make goes up, A LOT! Every year. And you never get any of it.

    You passively LET THEM keep your share,

    and then go vote for a senile old coot who says he'll "trickle down on you" .

    (People VOTED for this!.

    ------>People are TO BLAME for this..)

    So NOW  TWO  have to work to pay the bills.

    ALL while the Republicans BOX the extra money (well they could never spend it all! We're talking trillions EVERY YEAR.

    Do you get it? look up in economics, "increasing productivity".

    SCROOGE is why you HAVE TO work.

    Not feminism.

    SCROOGE and lazy uneducated people who think an election is a celebrity reality tv show. - no education required. no effort. -just parrot what you here. - pull the leever. - get the cracker.  (sheesh)

    I beleive in finishing a point, so as to "giving the woman above me what her complaint ASKS for?"----> get involved in a nationwide initiative of the people themselves to replace most of congress, and send the new legislators in with a list youmade of what you want done in YOUER OWN country.

    Does that sound too big?

    Oh well I'm ashamed then (hangs head, wishesd spaceship would show up soon and inform him he's not really one of the mentally weak sheep called humans anyway)...

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