
Anti-Matter question?

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would it be possible in my lifetime (80-90 years) antimatter the size of matter could hit earth?




  1. For some strange reason that scientists are just beginning to understand, when the matter was created out of the initial energy, it came in the form we call "matter" more than in the form we call "anti-matter".  Whatever anti-matter was created at first was quickly annihilated (back to energy) on contact with matter.

    What's left is almost exclusively matter.

    We are able to make extremely small quantities of anti-matter in labs.  It is very difficult to keep (sometimes we succeed for micro-seconds with lasers or magnetic fields).

    Interstellar space has atoms of hydrogen and some dust (all matter).  Inside the solar system, we have lost of dust, grains, and the solar wind (charged particles), all of them matter.

    If anything made of anti-matter was moving in our neighborhood, it would be noticed by the trail of energy (from the annihilation on contact with the gas and dust).

    We have never seen anything like that.

    We have observed some radiation near Galactic black holes that may indicate (we are not sure yet) that some anti-electrons (and a tiny quantity of anti-protons) may be produced in the energy that is shooting out of the accretions disk falling into the black holes.  These particles are produced directly from the very high density of energy that exist there (E = m c^2  -- at some point, energy and mass are equivalent, so enough energy can turn into matter or anti-matter).

    In our own Galaxy, the central black hole is "quiet".

    Conclusion, probability is zero for your lifetime... heck, it's probably zero for the entire lifetime of Earth.

  2. Anti matter does not exist in the universe.

      If any could come into existence it would be annihilated immediately

  3. well as far as we know there isnt any antimatter the size of earth. infact there is very little antimatter in space at all. for some strange reason, unknown to scientists, antimatter is massively less abundant than matter, its actually pretty rare.

    antimatter in space is produced in the same way that antimatter is produced here, by the decay of particles. for example, a proton can decay into a neutron by releasing a positron (antimatter partner of the electron)

  4. I say no. There isn't much antimatter out there in space and it takes a very long time to produce it here on earth. Chances are that it will never happen, at least not a big enough particle or something the size of a car, house, dog, etc. There is also no evidence it occurred in the past (about a major collision here on earth).

  5. To be within the adept purview of answering this Question, it is must that the sayer and the listener, the writer and the reader, all in concern must be well versed in field of Quantum Energy...  a World beyond Quantum Chromodynamics and Quantum Machanics.

    But in lay man's language or in common parlance to apprehend the hidden mean to define a inherent knowledge of the word Anti-Matter... please endeavour self by virtue of self / empiric experiments that we live-in daily...

    Firstly, the Anti-Matter is that Matter that is yet beyond the range of aided objectivity despite of our high-tech instrumentational appraoches, hence its been considered as an exquisite alike of Imponderable Elemental Substance which equates our CONSCIOUSNESS : SOUL : ENERGY ...

    Further, an exquisite matter that develops the only interminable linkage in between the Macrocosm & Microcosm, enabling the Soul to sustains its working within the Entity to be an enliven extant of  Work-in-progress, which defines our Life, read by Age. The transmutational process that transforms the Energy as/from Soul into the Energy that the Body needs and can assimilate from, is what we call our MIND.  Thus the MIND is the Transmutational Process between the Soul [Anti-mater]  ~and~  the Physical-Body  [Mater]

    In simple words, what we breath-in as Air, amongst the varied & allied molecules are the subtle and exquisite source of anti-matter 'Consciousness' that gives meaning to our life as a Living...  Also, what we eat and drink, that too has an inherent qualitative factor of its beingness in terms of its nutritive values and virtues, which duly corresponds as a supplementational prolifics in our diet, as a substantial matter as anti-matter needed for Living a Life.  What we are as the Physical Body called as Matter, we are indeed the reproductives of the Consciousness within, called as an Anti-matter.

    So, to be in domain of Wisdom to accept the correct sense to spell our knowledge, to graduate our thoughts, and also to understand the word Anti-Matter is that All the Matter is nothing but the Genesis of the Anti-matter.  Even the Macrocosmic Origins and the Extants, either may be in Stars form, Galatic form, or much beyond in any astronomical existence, all that is been seen and valued as a Physical Extant is nothing but the genesis of the inherent consciousness of its Beingness... now that is addressed to be called as anti-matter.

    Indeed this all mentioned is an Esoteric Subject of Arcane Prudence, beyond Physics that may be learnt and explored in time to come confering a new name been extrapolated as  "Para' Physics" [a relation between Mind & Matter] OR...  further as  "Ortho'Physics"  and its parallel & exquisite study of Beingness called OMNIJECTIVISM [a relation between Mind and Reality]

  6. No, it isn't possible.  Not in your lifetime, or anybody's lifetime in the forseeable future of the universe (give or take a billion years.)

    Antimatter doesn't exist in large quantities in this universe.  We've managed to make a few atoms and particles of it in labs, but it always comes into contact with regular matter and the two annihilate each other.

    There may have been substantial quantities of matter immediately after the big bang, but it reacted with matter (of which there was more) and was destroyed.

    It's also believed by some that the universe is constantly generating tiny twin particles of matter and antimatter at the same time, but that these particles immediately annihilate each other, leading to no change.
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