Hi, Me and my family have suffered from abuse from the anti-social kids that hang around out side. I'm only 14 and I hate being subjected to it. I'm always scared, thinking when the next attack will happen, I've made it a habit to keep checking outside my window. I absolutely hate it. Why me? Why my family? We don't deserve it! This has been happening for a few years now, I'm scared to go outside because of comments they will make, scared maybe they will hit me or worse. I can count numerous times that we've had problems with them. My dad took my 2 year old sister to the park and they began throwing stones at him, while he was playing with his daughter, eggs and apples thrown at the house. We Came from holiday yesterday to find eggs smashed across the windows, part of the window cracked from a rock. We've called the police before but it's not enough, I've called them again about this incident and I'll see what happens. Please, what can we do?