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People tell me I'm Anti-Social because I don't get involved in conversations/topical discussions, go to staff parties, I go to the pub on my own etc. Is this so wrong ? I prefer to sit on my own at night it the bedroom watching telly and working on my laptop




  1. i wouldn't worry too much about, you kind of sound like me, lol. some people are just naturally more introverted, it's doesn't make us bad people. though if you're feeling bad about it then why not attend the odd party and see how you feel about it? i take it that you find it draining to be in the company of people you're indifferent to, but enjoy the company of people you're friendly with, am i right? cos if so then you are just like me, i can party, but it only really interests me when i know my friends are going to be there, i prefer to be on my own generally than with people i don't really have much of a connection with (or "click" with) and a lot of people think i'm anti-social/boring for that..but that's just my personality. plus, the going to the pub on your own thing..i do things on my own and a lot of extroverts find it hard to understand how i cope because they prefer to be around other people..jsut remember it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round..

  2. I prefer my own company most of the time, but there are times I want to be around people. I don`t think it`s wrong to want some solitude, but as with everything, I think too much of it can be a bad thing. Next question-what is too much?

  3. The trouble is, being anti-social tends to have both 'bad press' and so many negative associations when, there is nothing actual or intrinsically 'wrong' with it.

    I to am anti-social, and given the amount of negative press coverage about certain members / types of society, I see nothing wrong with my attitude at all.

    If nothing else, I give these 'types' a lack of a target to focus on!  Then again, I could be accused of 'deliberately frustrating them  in my continuing with this behaviour'!

    Oh dear, what am I to do?

    In truth though, I don't think there is anything 'wrong' with this, but it is a matter of how far you take it and whether you are likely to reach a point where you are simply not able to 'socialise' ~ and as a result, you create for yourself a 'dis-ability'.


  4. whatever floats your boat

  5. nothing wrong with that you probably have been or felt let down by a lot of ppl in your past? As long as youre happy

  6. And there is nothing wrong with that.

  7. i wouldn't call that antisocial, i'm the same way i would prefer to spend time at home just being with my family, i found that people who call others antisocial are ones who think they have to be out their partying or being involved in every work related event, not everyone feels that way. not socializing doesn't mean you don't have friends it just means that you don't feel the need to always be around those people. i have plenty of friends but i spend my spare time mainly with my family.

  8. Some people are intervert and some are extravert. Your the former, so am I. I can be left alone forever and i would manage to keep myself happy. Other people drain my energy. I think I know how you feel. Don't worry about what others think. I meet my friends once a month and my girlfriend about once or twice a week and i manage okay. What matters is that you stay true to yourself and don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Just be you, there are so many people like this.

  9. If you're thoughtful of others needs, then your not anti social. This does not mean having to spend time with people - you can be respectful and polite to others without spending time with them.

    Prefering your own company is not anti social, it is simply being more comfortable with your own company than the company of others.

  10. hey sometimes u just wanna chill alone!

  11. I've got 4 words that will help you:

    "Walk tall, stand tall"

  12. Don't you sometimes wonder what it'll be like to have friends ? Maybe you are "choosing" to be this way for a reason. Try oppening up little by little, talk to a few people; make pointless conversation and then you can tell us if you are anti-social. Are you asking this question to "US" or "YOURSELF" ?

  13. Thats perfectly normal you are jsut an introvert

  14. what are they on about, that's not anti-social. maybe they're too thick to realise that everyone's got different preferences.

  15. I like your style. I mean go against your own better judgment / natural instinct, and make Enemy's and Friends while out socializing. But don't forget, the few friends you'll make will have great potential, know what I'm saying?!?!?!?.

    "The solitary man is a force to be reckoned with."
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