
Anti War Libs-where is the outcry over Russia attacking Georgia?

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For years you have blasted America over the internet as being a war mongering nation-as well as calling Israel the same-war mongers.

Yet i have not heard one word of criticism from any of you over the internet towards Russia for attacking and invading a much weaker country. What gives?




  1. Russia is not known for their human rights record. So, being critical of them for being aggressive is kind of like blaming an oblivious tiger for its stripes. Pointless, that. Plus, Georgia is - or until recently was - a part of Russia. It is as if the state of Florida announced that it was leaving the Union and forming its own nation. Good luck with that, right? The difference is that we supported Georgia. So, in my example, it is like Florida got the verbal support of China.

  2. are we watching the same internet blogs?

  3. are you kidding me?  the reason you haven't heard anything is because you're not changing the channel from fox news.  this would be a scenario in which i would be for the U.S. intervening (as long as it wasn't G.W. as commander in chief, that guy messes everything up) but we have no more resources because of that prick in office!

  4. Silly Reducto: Don't you know that mother Russia can do no wrong in the eyes and hearts of its liberal lovers and advocates. Russia fights wars to liberate its neighbors from the curse of democracy and US influence, while the evil usa only goes to war to steal poor nations oil and resources and support greedy white man owned big business!

  5. w're crying, w're crying

    we were  stunned !

  6. It's not war-hate, it's self-hate. Only counts when its us or our allies. Never mind the other powerful states who have literally no issues over plowing down their neighbors for a little more elbow room.  

  7. We liberals are not for war, but of course we are more vocal when

    1. The war is phony- like for oil

    2. The war kills OUR Americans

    3. The war cost we taxpayers

  8. 1. The war is phony- like for oil= You must have a horse and buggy?

    2. The war kills OUR Americans= I joined by my own free will thank you..

    3. The war cost we taxpayers=Beats the He** out of giving it to lazy bums..

    This question goes farther back to the days of the Soviet Union..Even then the Libs were all for appeasing the big bear..Nothing has changed..

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