
Anti barking collars which is the beat type to use.?

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anyone out there have any experience with anti barking collars and what type works the best?




  1. IDK...  I know the people down the street who fostered a serious problem barker used the citronella one...  It was used as a training tool only, and this dog barked 24/7, w/ all the attention in the world..  So it was either a bark collar or possibly euthanasia...  Last stitch effort, and it worked.  

  2. i have had the shock and spay collars and i wasn't very happy with them. the spray is used up quickly and after the dog gets use to it they are not affected by the squirt in the face.  the shock is a lot the same and with my dog he just made a face and kept on barking. i find that if u are persistent and scold the dog when he is barking and shake a can with marbles at his head and hold his snout and say no over and over it works better. catch him all the time he is barking and train him this way instead and with mine i have better results. good luck

  3. none sorry i think they are in-humane try a muzzel

  4. Electric bark They work on every dog, all the time.

    They are not cruel, they teach a dog to not bark when they have one on, try it, I am sure you will be pleased.

    Hope I helped!!

  5. I recommend the "owner" controlled collars. You have to understand how to use them properly. I would consult a trainer, to make sure that you are doing the proper thing. I also recommend the citronella collars. These are not painful and simply just provide a puff of the odor, which they dislike. When you use it, make sure to use a correction that the dog can easily understand, i.e. "no bark", "ah ah", or "That'll do". Take the collar off the dog when he is not being supervised. I have seen a collar get "stuck" and kept spraying.

    In my opinion, it is important to let a dog be a dog. That doesn't mean letting the dog bark at every whim, however, dogs bark. I think that's an obvious thing, when you get a dog. I only recommend the "no bark" collars if your dog is doing this excessively.

  6. i have tried anti bark collars and dog bark stopper. But i would say it only help temporarily. Dog training to stop dog barking will be the best. Only 10 steps and some patient and effort will stop dog barking.

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