
Anti-capitalism? It is quite puzzling to me to hear?

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Conservatives say "don't tell us what to do. don't take our freedom away". Even suggesting alternative approaches to the energy crisis/global warming draws similar responses from them. I understand they like freedom. In fact everyone loves freedom. If they truely concerned about their freedom, how come they want to be slaves to oil companies. We cannot shut off oil right away. Everyone knows that, but as long as we depend on it deeply, we are letting oil companies run the country and our lives. We even pay tax to them now. Why do conservatives like that? Isn't it better to start taking new steps towards energy independence? Independent of other countries. Indepenent of monopolies. Energy is the back bone of a society.Capitalism is healthier when there are competitions. We don't have competitions right now.When it comes to Energy, we don't have good alternatives. If you love capitalism, you should love alternatives.When it comes to Energy, conservatives seem to be anti-capitalism. Why?




  1. You are incorrect in a number of statements.  First, we don't pay taxes to the oil companies.  The oil companies pay taxes to the government and pass those taxes to us.  We do have alternatives.  There is no giant conspiracy preventing alternative fuels.  If they were viable, they would be used.  I personally would love to find alternatives and think it is a good idea to research it extensively.  It is naive to think that the government should try to get into the energy business.  They would get in the way and prevent solutions.   Some conservatives are smart enough to realize this.  Conservatives generally favor the free market solutions.  It is only those that think they know more than they do that think they can find the solution or dictate a solution.

    I'm not sure what kind of subsidies you are referring to.  There are subsidies for using ethanol.  I don't favor subsidies of any kind.  They tend to prop up alternatives that are not viable.

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