
Anti depressants, marijuana deals on the streets, alcohol filled glasses, or painkillers from a doctor?

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In a fast paced world searching for fast pace cures, how do we cure this sickness when the time of need from our government is high, but all they can do is deny what the other man says?

We, as well as our government have been poisoned by material possession, greed, a sin in every religion. Mindless spending on homes we can't afford, credit card debts, and thieves. A welfare system broken and thieved from it's own people.

Military arms races, unplanned wars and throat to throat finger pointing. politicians with dirt on their hands, or citizens digging for the dirt.

High gas prices, high food prices, an implosion of large business holding million dollar shares. A currency held by foreign markets or a high percentage held by a low percentage of Americans.

Is this how we intend to survive?




  1. Pretty grim picture but very accurate.  Problem is, I don't know who or how to fix it now.  Everyone has ideas but no one is willing to compromise anything to achieve them.  I think it will take everyone to stop thinking only about themselves to get things started.  Will it happen?  Maybe if a total collapse comes along.

  2. I believe people that what they deserve.   When the US has candidates like we do now America is set to drop a few more notches.

  3. Your exactly right! Americans use to go around arrogantly saying the USA is the greatest country ever, now we're learning we have alot to learn. We are a young country compared to the other countries of the world and we are having growing pains that might last for a long time.

  4. Conspicuous consumption drives our market.

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