
Anti-emetics & Motion Sickness Tablets?

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Can you take an anti-emetic like metaclopromide & a motion sickness tablet together? Does anyone know if theres any drug interactions. I know an anti-emetic does nothing if you have motion sickness.

I ask because I take the Metaclopromide for nausea i experience with my gastritis but Im going to be travelling and suffer from motion sickness so want to take something.

n.b will also pose question to doctor/pharmacist when open just want some quick advice.

Thanks :)




  1. Yes you can take the motion sickness pill, there is no drug interaction. The thing to watch for is possible additive side effects like drowsiness and dry mouth. So as long as you are not doing the driving, flying, etc.... yourself and do not have to be fully alert, just drink some extra fluids and you should be OK.

  2. You should be aware that metoclopramide increases lower esophageal sphincter tone while antihistamines like Phenergan and Dramamine lower it. There's a risk the two will at least partly cancel each other out. Otherwise, there's no big deal.

    Bon voyage!

  3. Should be fine.

  4. i think u should be careful and get the advice of a phamacist as u say because i think that they can both make u drowsy, maybe taking both would cause too much drowsiness, however a pharmacist will be able to look up any interactions.

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