
Anti-feminists, are childless career women a threat to humanity?

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Often (too often, in my opinion), people here will imply that working women with children are the indirect cause of every societal ill under the sun. Now how about working women WITHOUT children? Are they exempt from this ire? Or should we send absolutely every woman back home whether she likes it or not?




  1. a woman without children......that is totally acceptable for her to be a career woman.

    a woman with children........i still believe she belongs at home to raise the children. at least until the kid is about 12.

  2. No Rio, but you may become overtly hormonal and irrational when you reach a certain age, you might vent your frustrations on the people around you, or your cats.  ; )

  3. No, it is career women that have children that is the problem.

    Childless women, should have more flexibility since they have fewer responsibilities,

  4. What about anti-feminists who are childless career women...people like Ann Coulter? lol

    The ones who get on my nerves? The anti-feminist who travel the country telling women to stay home. I want to say to them keep YOUR azz at home.

  5. No Rio.  But it is a threat to those who are ignorant and selfish, failing to see a world full of people beyond themselves.

  6. Listen, there are 6.5 BILLION people on Earth. I don't think having a career minded woman who doesn't want kids is a threat to anyone. I believe that if you are going to have children, it is your responsibility to raise them. Not daycare centers and not schools.

  7. NO. unless she misuses that opportunity for mean beliefs and doings.

  8. "Often (too often, in my opinion), people here will imply that working women with children are the indirect cause of every societal ill under the sun."

    Oh please. That is such a class - based and culture - based issue. Low and middle income and minority women in the west have always worked. Who do you think was mopping the floors, washing the clothes, cooking the meals, working as seamstresses, etc.? And in other cultures, the women work very hard, because it takes all available bodies just for people to survive and scratch out a living. Issues like this are mere vanities for bored and angry upper middle class and wealthy western women to take up their time and everyone else's. If you want to see someone working, just have your chauffeur drive your limousine to a ghetto, barrio,  rural area, or any other economically depressed spot and you will see TONS of women working there just as there have always been. Kids, no kids, husband, no husband, makes no difference: if you want to eat and have a roof over your head, you need to work. So please, feminist scholar, address issues that are relevant to the lives of 90% of women instead of the vanity issues that are only meaningful overeducated leisure sorts that benefitted from Bush's tax cuts. Advocate for equal pay, more flexible hours, childcare, better and safer working conditions, and a harassment - free environment. Shut down businesses that degrade, demean, exploit, and expose to serious harm low income women. Focus on things like that, and leave the upperclass navel gazing issues alone.

  9. No. I agree with the women's right to work, vote, and get an education. If you don't want to have a kid, that is your decision.

    I am an anti-feminist for equality in reproductive rights, rewriting family law, the end of censoring speech (censoring depends on context and not words alone), and anti corporate/government sponsored maternity leave.

  10. Rio, it's just a flaw in written communication. If people think you're riled up they'll hear it even if that wasn't your intent at all.

    I don't know if you read Maclean's but there was a feature article by Mark Stein on western women having so few children that we're slowly being taken over by the Muslim population. I think it was both a very racist and sexist argument, but essentially, he does fear the childless career woman.

    The childless woman has always been ridiculed by society as the old spinster or baron woman. Usually by the very same people who believe a woman's destiny is only to nurture her offspring, while the man's destiny is...well, whatever he wants it to be.

    Honestly I think Cid summed up the anti-feminists perspective perfectly: only the intelligent successful working woman is a threat. If she's a bimbo hooters girl society will be OK. Of course he fails to mention what happens to the hooters girl when she hits 40 and her perfect b***s start to droop.

  11. If your "Choice" is to pursue a Career. More power to you. That you might not have children is a choice or opportunity cost associated with that choice. That is the point that should be made.

    Anti Feminists are not demanding you have Children, nor that you should get married. It is a Straw Man argument that you are raising.

  12. Wow! A LOT of people can't read, can they?

    Some accuse you of over-generalization, when you didn't say ALL anti-feminists blame working mothers for every ill.

    Others have never seen the accusations you refer to (they apparently can't read things that get posteed hre 87 times a day, every day).


    Another interesting thing is that no one thus far has even hinted at the notion that it takes TWO to procreate.

    Why should all fathers be forbidden to care for their children? Isn't that denying men THEIR rights?

  13. to be honest Rio... I feel this argument is slightly trivial.

    If you want to focus on your career and not have children, then don't let the anti's of any sort stop you.

    In real life, one tends to surround themselves with like sentiment/people... the only pressure you will likely feel is from your/your spouses (one day) parents... believe me, mine have been pushing for years now for me and the hubby to have kids... they can wait, as I'm not having kids anytime soon.

  14. Depends on the % of childless working women and the average medien # of kids in families with parents is

    If the % is 100% then yes, its a very big problem

    If the % is 80% with 6 or 7 kids in a household with children then No, but if only 1 kid in a household then yes

    If the % is 10% and one or two kids in a house then no

  15. well.... anti-feminists? I never heard of that.....whoa did I miss something? anyway the only threat to humanity is the governments willingness to waste money unnecessarily overseas, sending millions to their death, wasting social security and leaving people (like me) with no hope of seeing the money when they finally decide to retire, the media glorifying beauty causing young women depression that leads to suicide, and the lack of sexual education that has many facing deadly diseases because somehow if they teach something other than abstinence the devil will take over and kill everyone..... you see we have it all wrong these days and ppl shouldn't be against feminism because we as women are losing the right to choose for ourselves and i find that extremely scary, we should educate ourselves to the fullest and if we want to have a baby then okay and we don't than that's okay too.

  16. Someone sounds upset. Do we have to sleep on the sofa again?


    Don't mention it. Sorry Rio, but you do sound in a bit of a mood.


    For women who genuinely don't have a need for a family, taking a career is fine - why not? But I think we all know of women who don't want a family at 20 but change their mind later on. The problem is that often work demands aren't too conducive to having the time to meeting Mr Right, and these women can feel sorely cheated when biology means the family is no longer a choice.

    I don't think I need to talk to much about the type of feminists who have promoted the idea of marriage as slavery, men as animals, and the workplace as salvation. The pity is that they have paved the way to their dream lifestyle by convincing everyone else that they should want to live like this too.

  17. NOOOO send them to concentration camps!!!1

    There they will learn the proper feminine duties.... my master plan is almost complete!

  18. It is unwise to participate in absurdity by framing your own inquiry along the lines of absurdity.  The absurd:  Working mothers cause all the problems in society.  The rational:  People who do not support working mothers cause all of the problems in a society in which the economic reality requires that the majority of mothers must work outside of the home. Or: Would anti-working mother people prefer that all working mothers strike, go home, go on welfare, line up for food stamps, stop shopping, stop paying taxes . . . like starting tomorrow?  Money talks and BS walks.

  19. Views on a person,

    On a personal level - I have no ire, angst or otherwise for either. I understand the ideals of this and that. I also understand life aint an ideal and people, in the majority get on with things to the best oof thier abilities juggling many aspects of life. Family or not having family being one of them. I consider that there may well be choices of necessity involved and/or some very mature choices based on a personal level for that person.

    Views on larger groups, nations,

    I also ponder tho if this part of the reason for a greater influx of immigration for a number of the western countries. Less women birthing, smaller numbers in children born per person and with that a growing aged population may all be factors for a country wanting to improve the available work force and therefore available revenue, via encouraging or enabling immigration to greater degrees.

    So I ponder if thats an aspect. Its a possibility is it not?

    But then Im just pondering, and answering your question. I havent slung those thoughts around as to exactly describe it as exposing people to ire.

    Rio on many occasions you tend to be of better composed (even if some of your thoughts I disagree with) whats got you riled up on this one?

    Edit - its just something about the way its written, perhaps its very similar to the way you do normally, perhaps its ever so slightly diffrent.

  20. It depends on the career.

    Threat to humanity

    Not a threat to humanity

  21. I'm not an anti-feminist, but no, for every women that is childless, there's always other women who have children.

    There are millions of breeders out there, its no threat at all.

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