
Anti feminists. If you had your way, what role would women play in society?

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Anti feminists. If you had your way, what role would women play in society?




  1. Women can do whatever they like, i don't care what anti-feminists think!

    If they had it their way, all women would be housewife's, not that there's anything wrong with being a housewife, but thats not the dream of all women.

  2. I don't care what roll women play in society, As long as I am left alone to do as I please

    I am  sick of feminists preaching at me . and telling me there is somehow something wrong with me because I choose a submissive role.

  3. An independent free thinking unlabeled well rounded human being who thinks for herself. In short does not get inveigled with the "isms" or the "ists". Who does not object to being called sweetheart or darling by her significant other and is proud to be a mum. Like the one who "rules" in my house.

  4. Being an anti-feminist female; we can do whatever we put our minds to; all we have to do is try.  Anti-feminism is not only for men. Oh and yeah; nor does she have to deem herself as equal to have some get up and go.

  5. They would still be equal. I would just shut their mouths of all the whining.

  6. Funny how those who reject the notion of equality (anti-feminists) are suddenly claiming to embrace equality between the sexes in this question.

    What I've seen from the anti-feminists who call themselves "equalists" (they think men and women are "different, but equal") that women are fit only to give birth, care for children and man, and clean house. No woman should ever be allowed to do anything else. At least, that's what they say....

  7. This question is very revealing. Notice how many of the anti-fems answers are exactly the same as fems give on other answers?

    We're arguing because we have false conclusions about the other side. Many of us are on the same side, the side of gender equality.

  8. they want us to clean the toilets, raise their kids, wash their clothes, never make a choice for ourselves or our bodies....should i continue? it ain't pretty.

  9. Any role, just like right now. This is a free country for men and women. We are not anti-women.

    We are just anti-hairy-feminist-bullies that hate men because they hate themselves.

  10. This is the first time I've seen one say in this forum they want equality-if that's true-why do they hate feminism-that's totally illogical?

    Other than a lone ranger or two-I see anti-feminists say they want equality for women-but there's always a "but"-"but" they

    -think women should be quiet  or

    -women should kow-tow to men or

    -women should respect men (even if certain men don't deserve respect) or

    -women should take "responsibility"-but it's never clear just what responsibilities feminists are not already taking-it sounds like they think non-feminist women should be taking responsibility-so if that's what they want-why don't they pick a feminist?

    -I see a lot of circular "logic"-they want women who work hard-pay their own way-have s*x all the time-have their babies-look spectacular; but are also women who are meek and subservient and do what the man tells them to.

    -No wonder they're upset they want a feminist mixed with a non-feminist or anti-feminist is the impression I"m getting.

  11. I think most anti-feminists agree that the role of women should be limitless. Their problem is with women who want to bite off more than they deserve to chew.

  12. First, they'd be out earning money, but never as much as a man could make.  Then they'd be home raising the kids.  Then they'd be out earning money, again not taking a good job away from a less-qualified man.  And then after their youth and beauty were gone, they'd gratefully step aside for lives of poverty and menial work at minimum wage while their husbands found younger, fresher, fertile chicklettes to shore up their own aging libidos (it's always the woman's fault, you know) by giving them the money earned by the first wife.

  13. visit this link, and you'll find plenty of answers to your question

    hope i helped=]

  14. ANYTHING and everything that they choose to do/be, without being felt judged or forced to live with the sole concern of fitting into a stereotype. All rights and privileges that a man has got. Her choices are hers to make, and that includes the choice to choose her role too. But without being bullied by huge hairy manhating femminist into believingthat they were being oppressed by the menfolk.

    Oh yeah - and they will also remember that the rights that they have also entail them to hold some responsibilities.

  15. Equal to men. Not more equal, not less equal; Equal.

  16. I think they want most of all for women to be in their lives.  They are like obsessed with women's roles in relation to men and are hysterical over the thought that they cannot be complete as men unless women assume roles that compliment men, stroke their ego's and such.  They see women as only props in their male-entitlement belief system. They preface all of their greatest passions only about women, never about men.  They want women to respond to them, notice them, behave certain ways, dress certain ways, give in to them, obey them.  They want to play with dolls, so to say, or continue the mother-son relationship.  And, they are confused and frightened to learn that women are NOT so interested in them now that women aren't trapped in those roles.  They resent every law or change that helps women rise out of that trap.  And, they froth at the mouth and threaten to knock our teeth down our throats and illogically dishonorably denigrate women who do not "play the game" like nice dollies.  Maybe we should call it the "King Kong" fairy tale.

  17. They would be equally valued and could take any role they choose.  They would have equal rights, but they would also have to take equal responsibility.  This is where feminism has missed the boat - feminists demand equal rights without accepting equal responsibilities - and this is why anti-feminists resist feminism.

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