
Anti gravity machine.... can this be possible to make?

by  |  earlier

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For I am curios about this thing... and i am fun of observing those thing that can fly... and wondering if the mass of the object being spin horizontally at a very-high speed will decrease or mass less... for the some of the mass or the of it will be pulled by the side-ward force...




  1. Anything can happen with today's technology

  2. There was an experiment in the 1960's in physics, where a demonstration in gyroscopic principals was shown to have a side effect of the closest to anti gravity. It was electromagnetic field gyroscopes. The professor who did the experiment died trying to control the effect and to prolong the anti gravity properties. There was many close to controlled experiments. But none came out working stable. The closest was to use an electronic field induced plasma-type matter. I don't know how he made the plasma, but he was able to have it orbit another magnetic field.

    The outcome was one magnetic field overcoming the barriers of the other causing the engine to lift. almost defying gravity. The problem was it was tethered cause it took A LOT of power to produce the needed energy just to lift the fifty-something pound experiment.

    Their was video and audio of this failed experiment. But so far I only found about three notes and no patents.

    So to answer your question. I would say yes, but with what we have to work with today, it isn't possible, YET... The debate about this is that the sciences are fighting as to if it an experiment in perpetual motion or if it supposed to be time travel. Cause the notes, said the experiment failed. Which means the lift was not what he was looking for. To the professor it was a just an effect.

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