
Anti inflammatory pills... and ... anemia...EXPERTS or anyone help?

by  |  earlier

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IM 20

In feb this year i found out that i am anemic. The doctor have put me on iron supplements for 3months, a month after that i have had another full blood count and ferritin test done. The result had no change so the doctor told me that he is going to put me on the supplements again for 3 months, if it hasn't change then i will get Iv iron therapy.The doc said the only problem is heavy periods, cause i was for a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy and they found nothing

If I take anti inflammatory pills can my anemia get worse or can the pills have a negative result on my anemia?

or can it make the anemia better?

((I take anti inflammatory cause my lower spine is inflamed))

if this second iron supplement doesn't work he will put me on the birth control pill and IV iron....

For my lower back... it comes a long way and its also pressing on other disc.... im new to this back pain, dont know much




  1. Get a Nurses Drug Handbook, it will tell you all you need to know about  drugs and their interactions. Do not put all your faith in doctors, always check out first what they are giving you. Ask the pharmacist too, they know alot about drugs and interactions.

  2. im also 20, and suffer from anaemia.

    only take the anti-inflamatory pills if they've been prescribed by the doctor as he will have checked out any interactions between the two conditions before telling you to take them.

    The birth control will help your anaemia a lot by the way!!

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