
Anti-military people, if you don't like the military, why come onto this section of yahoo answers?

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I love the military, but everytime i either ask or answer a question. The anti-military people pour all over it, with thumbing downs and whinching and complaining. For crying out loud, if don't like the military, please F off!




  1. Well Thomas, I'm of the same opinion as you.  However, we must remember that a very great many people gave their lives in war so that we are free to speak as we choose.

    Isn't democracy a pain sometimes?

    We just have to put up with.

    Respect is something seldom shown here in UK to our war dead, except by those of us who have had some connection with the armed services or are still serving members thereof.

    Meanwhile over in Holland, hundreds of thousands of school kids go and visit the graves of allied soldiers who died in the liberation of the Netherlands.  Also too in Belgium, lots of kids do the same there.

    I really don't want UK kids to miss out and maybe the Royal British Legion could do something to encourage kids to take an interest.

    The new schools curriculum, which comes out in September 08, is going to ignore WW-One and WW-Two almost entirely and instead concentrate upon the history of the Slave Trade.

    Very laudable I'm sure, but a fat lot of use to our many thousands of veterans who are likely to be even less well known, if something is not done.

    The Last Post

    The Last Tommy - Mister Harry Patch

    We will remember them.

  2. The internet is the only place they have the balls to bash real Americans!

  3. OMG your soooo right. what is with that?!?!? I asked a question yesterday and i got bombarded with all these hippie tree hugging jerks that told me being in the military was wrong! (even though I am not, my big brother is and it's very insulting to here people bash the military!) Thanx for saying something!

  4. Unfortunately in mexperiencece these people do not have a problem with the millitary as such but what they are doing in places like iraq. But its not the soldiers/airmen/seamen fault they are following orders from their commanders and chiefs.

    Some people think people sign up to kill or fight. This is not true at all. Some people I knew signed up for structure, others because they could not do anything else (crime etc). But I agree these people should stop slandering those who serve their countries because they do what they are told. The governments are to blame for sending the troops ttheatresrs of war and they should be critizied for it.

    If these people spend time with the servicemen and women of the armed forces they will understand that they do not want to go to war but have to because they are following orders. The armed services is a family and getting critizied does not do well for moral.

  5. It's easy to hide behind a keyboard. The real courage is duty and service. Most Americans love our country, military and the brave soldiers who serve.  

  6. who am I to deny the rights of someone making an intelligent, or at least understandably sensible question in matters pertaining to the military, or the use of it? Viewing different opinions, from the expert, to the uninformed, are all an intengral part of Democracy. It may be abused, but it is better to have it and have some abuse, than to not have it at all.

    Certainly respect would be great, but most who don't show at least a modicum of respect can be put in the troll category.

  7. Cos we love taking the pi*s out of you turds.

  8. Y!A isn't all about sections. if you ask a question, it appears on the front page.

    ...and by the way, I think we're entitled to an opinion when half out tax money is going into the destruction of the human race

  9. YOU TELL THEM THOMAS! are so right!

    totally agree they are spineless and have nothing better to do.

    thye've obviously never served!

  10. that is just bad, why are they against the only people that actually die for them, so that they coud have security....

  11. Ah, that's not just in military. It's in every single category that people have opinions about.

    It's just that most of the people who dislike the military have never been in the military and know absolutely nothing about what it really is.

  12. How important is the military to Obama ? Obviously not at all . When he visited Iraq , he was asked a question by one of our brave troops . Obama's reply was I do not have time for that right now . Not have time for the very people who put their lives on the line every day in defense of some belief . He was there for one reaso and only one reason , to garner a few more votes and he certainly was not there for any or all of the troops .

  13. your question is in politics and govt,take it up with yahoo or put it in the right category

  14. If you don't like people opposing your argument, you can go somewhere yourself.  

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