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If someone was raised by his or her biological family, but hasn't had a good experience with his/her family, does that mean this person is probably anti-procreation?




  1. Often, yes, this does happen.  People with abusive parents will often think they'd make horrible parents and won't breed.  Also, I know many people who were "older siblings" in large families have a "bad experience" with biological familes and decide "procreation" is evil.

  2. To answer the, it does not mean that.

    I just wish we could all be Pro-Family regardless of how the family is formed.  : )

  3. No. I do not believe that we are the regimented products of our environment, but have the ability to make choices....

  4. While it is difficult for me to follow such logic, I find that it is expressed frequently on this forum.  Many times someone discusses negative feelings about being raised in their adoptive family and find they are immediately branded, “anti-adoption.” Using similar logic, the person you describe would have to be labeled, “anti-procreation.”  

    Amazing...I never realized how many anti-procreation people are running around this planet!

  5. Not really, everyone makes their own choices- people with very good homelives are anti, and there are ppl who have bad bad home lives that want to create better ones!

  6. OH BUT NO! My biological person was an evil person who was very violent w/me and older sister from INFANCY....I started running when I was four....Found my wonderfamily by the grace of GOD and would not change a thing! I have had 4 of my own; my first daught passed, son w/b 32 in Nov. daughters 25 & 26 going on 26 & 27..I love kids.....I love my 7 sisters and 1 brother and my momma and daddy are THE BEST!!!

  7. Nope.

    I was raised by my biological family.  I had a wonderful childhood and family experience.

    I could be considered anti-procreation.  But I prefer the term Non-Breeder.

    I do not understand the desire to have a child.  The idea of a crying, leaking, smelly larvae exiting any o*****e of my body makes me shudder worse than a horror flick!

    I do not want children.  I do not want to be around children.  I don't even enjoy looking at pictures of children.  Or even hearing those stupid "my kid is so cute" stories!

  8. Yep that fits.  It seems to be that people with 'alleged' or assumed bad adoption experiences are automatically labelled 'anti-adoption' LOL  so this makes perfect sense.

    Isn't it strange that bio children raised with their natural parents never get called 'anti-procreation' or told they should be grateful someone raised them, or they didn't end up in a dumpster or they should be grateful they weren't aborted lol lol  people just love to say this to adoptees though, don't they

  9. touche!  

    i love logical questions that poke holes in the ridiculous contrary questions...

  10. No, there is no way of making that assumption.  But if the person started espousing anti-procreation views  and/or criticizing others who wanted to procreate than one could conclude, whether they had a happy childhood or not, that they were an "anti-procreationist"...

    not that there's anything wrong with being an "anti-procreationist"  

    But that wasn't really the question was it?   Interesting question.

    ETA-Thank you Laurie (for clarifying).  I think I should get a thumbs up for at least understanding the question :-)

  11. I would not call it anti-procreation, I'd call it a psychological issue though. I was raised in a pretty negative environment and I didn't ever say I didn't want kids...I DID, however, use that experience to learn NOT how to raise a child.

  12. I like your logic! Just because someone speaks about their own adoption story and it isn't the rosy oh so wonderful, people label them anti-adoption. Just because they didn't have a positive adoption experince doesn't mean they are anti-adoption, they are just telling their story.

  13. not nessicarily
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