
Anti viral herbs and info?

by  |  earlier

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1:I am wondering what kind of viruses can cause gastroenteritis.

2:How can you get them

3: and can herbs help prevent them.

I cannot afford to get sick (vomiting) because of personal reasons.

I want to see what herbs I can take that are antiviral/bacterial.

I've tried looking it up but no success.

Thank you.




  1. Tbh, my personal opinion is that herbal remedies just don't seem to work. I guess if you beleive they work, they might. But only that beleif inside your self will make it have a effect.

  2. There is no such thing as an antibacterial/antiviral herb.  Don't waste your money.

  3. Gastroenteritis can be caused by any number of things. Is this a sudden issue, or has it been ongoing for some time? It could just be a viral or bacterial bug you caught, or it could be more serious like diverticulitis/diverticulosis, colitis, IBS, or Crohn's disease.

    Consuming more foods with fresh garlic can help since is has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properites. Also, supplementing your diet with a buffered form of vitamin C (such as ester C) will help to control any inflammation. This combination can be used as a preventive measure as well. Also, adding a probiotic, whether pill form or simply eating PLAIN yogurt, can be beneficial too.

    If you are currently sick, I would see a doc just so you know exactly what your situation is. If you let this go for too long you will wind up in the doctor's office anyway, only worse off, or having to go to the hospital. Then you will for sure have to miss work.

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