
Antibacterial drops for rubbed eye?

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I recently recovered from an eye scrape with a mascara brush (YOWCH, yes it hurt), and I was given Ciproflox which worked like a charm. I seemed to have rubbed my other eye in my sleep, and it's just a bit red and irritated in the corner. Would it be OK to use these drops for the other eye?




  1. Well, it would most likely not do much good. Your irritation will not be fixed by usuing an antibiotic. ANd when you use an antibiotic ti should be used for a full course, not just a one time application. You should use just a lubricating drop and I am sure it will clear up. If it doesnt you need to call your doctor to see what they reccomend to do next. But, don't use one Rx drug for something it was not prescribed for.

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