
Antibacterial resistenece and natural antibiotics?

by  |  earlier

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i'm thinking about doing a science fair project on this, any ideas on how i could do an experiment on this.Any suggestion, something complex on a senior level, thanks.also please tell me if you have anyother suggestions for progect in this area, i'm still searching.




  1. I suggest that you find the latest edition of the journal Science.  It has a major section on drug resistance.  It will get you started.  You can probably find it in any good college or public library.

  2. one area that is hot today under the category of new , natural antibiotics is the topic of bacteriocins. These are compounds produced by a certain bacterial species that inhibits the growth of other bacterial species. Like some lactic bacteria or propionea bacteria produce  small peptides that inhibit growth of E.coli, staph , etc . Google bacteriocin and start from there .

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