
Antibiotics, pills, precum.. freaking out?

by  |  earlier

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ok i'm on antibiotics while taking birth control pills (orthro tri cyclen) but lately i've missed 3 pills so i doubled up the next day and followed the instructions for when you imss 3 pills. What i'm worried about is , me and my bf had a 30 sec s*x without a condom..i know complete idiot of me and him but you know it was one of those spur of the moment kind of stupidness ... soo put it all together, i took my pills late, on antibiotics, and he might have precumed in me * 20 secs actually in and out lol * oy.. i know i messed up but do you guys think i have a big chances? also my period is expected to come in about a week and a half? or week

Oh and we are both 20 years cased u guys wanna know our ages lol




  1. The whole antibiotics and pills thing is still a debate... I doubt you're pregnant but if you're really worried just wait until it's time for your period. If you miss, take a test. You can't really do anything until then so just chill out. If you're stressed about it you might even delay your period which will just make it worse. I know it's hard but relax!

  2. antibiotics outdo birth control and the chances of a yeast infection and being pregnant is more than likely. Antibiotics kills bacteria and are strong in strength and sometimes when there is a loss of balance, another bacteria such as BV creeps in. At this point, it is a waiting game.

  3. There is always a chance of getting pregnant without protection

    I don't think you are but if you are really worried about it take a test if you miss your period

    also if you are really stressed about it your period could come late so try not to stress about it...if your pregnant whats done is done so don't stress and test if you miss your period!

    good luck!

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