
Antibiotics and Citalopram Tablets ? Is that a safe mixture?

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I am currently on 10mg of Citalopram, and have to take Antibiotics for an infection as advised by my dentist. Is that a safe mix?




  1. I would certainly check with your doctors surgery as there could be conflict with Citalopram and an antibiotic. What does it say on the leaflet that came with your medication.

  2. Yes, it is perfectly safe. I have used both together in the past with my GP's approval.

  3. yes it is safe i take both off them and its not done me any harm if your unsure check with your doctor

  4. I just looked this up in my MIMS (the yellowpages of drugs that doctors get) and it says that macrolide antibiotics can interact with it. I don't know what they are, but you an google it and find out if the one are on is a macrolide antibiotic. It is only this specific type of antibiotic that is contraindicated.

    Also St Johns Wort can interact with citalopram.

  5. antibiotix aren't safe

  6. it's fine, my partner is on Citalopram and has taken antibiotics plenty of times with no side effects.

  7. i think its ok, as long as it doenst say anything about mixing on the leaflet that came with the tablets.

    Ive been on antibiotics the same time as Citalopram and have been fine :)

  8. My mature, sensible GP just prescribed both to me today, so I think the combo should be okay!

  9. Firstly we have to find out which antibiotics you are actually taking. but it sounds very likely that your dentist would give you Amoxycillin or similar penicillin derivative for three times daily with or without food. Shouldn't be a problem to combine those two together.

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