
Antibiotics and vitamin/mineral supplements?

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I am taking Doryx antibiotic...

I also like to take multi-vitamin, zinc and copper supplements, calcium, and vitamin C supplements...

The bottle says to take 2 hours before or after taking iron, vitamins, or minerals...

Why is this?

Also, will it prevent absorption of minerals and vitamins? (I hope not...)




  1. They will hinder your body's ability to absorb the antibiotic.  Those minerals will "compete" for absorbtion.  It's probably best to hold off to ensure your body absorbs the antibiotics.  

    On a side note: antibiotics will kill bacteria in the body including the "good" bacteria.  It's usually recommended to consume yogurt while on antibiotics to replace the "good" bacteria that is being killed off.  This used to be common advice among doctors but for some reason, many just write the Rx and leave the room.  Do some research though, you'll see it still holds true.

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