
Antibiotics for athlete's foot?

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I know that it's a fungal infection but sometimes drs prescribe antibiotics first...can anyone tell me which antibiotics work for this kind of infection?




  1. i had athlete's foot once. i got this certain type of lotion i forgot what what it was called but i think you can get it at a pharmacy. i think. don't trust me

  2. Antibiotics have no impact on a fungus or yeast infection, except to kill any bacteria that may be keeping the fungus or yeast under control.

    Antifungals are unique, and are not considered antibiotics.

  3. Um, what doctors?

    Antibiotics are not going to help fungus.

    Just smear some yeast infection creme on it for a few days, and voila, it goes away.

    You could also soak your foot in yogurt, or swab tea tree oil on it.

  4. Lamasil saved my life when even the doctors couldn't perscribe something that worked.  

  5. try home remedies like soak ur foot in hot water daily after playing with salt added to it ................ after playing always clean ur  foot with soap .........

    i weeks u will find some changes  

  6. Antibiotics do not work for a fungal infection.   You would need a specific antifungal.  I do know that some - unfortunately -Drs will prescribe antibiotics, sometimes they do that just to make the patient feel like the have received treatment in hopes to make it better and some Drs may prescribe them because the patient has a bacterial infection as well as a fungal infection.  There a quite a few prescribed antifungals, creams and pills, as well as over the counter.... to many to list..... you can ask the pharmacist and/or your doctor.  You may also try to search on the web  "antifungal for athletes foot.   Good Luck

  7. Yes,secondary infection quite common in athlete's foot.Antibiotics are necessary along with antifungals.Many antibiotics are effective cephalexin,cefuroxime etc.There are many brand names for each antibiotics and brand names varies from country to country.If staying in India take Vepan twice daily(500mg)

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