
Antibiotics & their bugs??

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Can anyone help complete my list pls, or provide a reference where there is a simular list.

Gram +ve Infection= staph, streph...

Gram -ve infection= ecoli...

+ve meds= penecillins,

-ve meds= trimethoprim, vancomycin

I would really appreciate if someone had the time to help answer this for me.

(Pls dont post answer saying you dont know/look it up type answers, cos if so just leave it thanks)




  1. gram +ve= staph, strep, enterococcus faecium/faecalis, actinomyces, bacillus anthracis, clostridium perfringens

    gram -ve= enterobacteriaceae (i.e. citrobacter, enterobacter, escherichia, klebsiella, morganella, proteus, providencia, serratia which are commensal organisms and are only opportunistic pathogens... and salmonella, shigella and yersinia which are overt pathogens), also campylobacter, helicobacter, neisseria meningitidis/gonorrhoea, moraxella catarrhalis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, haemophilus influenzae/parainfluenzae

    mmm its only a short list and my gram pos list is pretty pathetic heh.... to find more maybe just try googling like gram positive cocci, gram positive rods/bacilli then the same for gram negatives... splitting it up like that might get a better result than you last tried :)

    as for the meds...

    gram neg = colistin?

    and gram pos = penicillin, cephalosporins and lincomycin (thou linc use is avoided and its only used as a last resort.. i.e. if patient is allergic to penicillin, bacterial resistance has developed... this is due to the toxicity etc side effects)  so mostly its penicillin i think for g+ve

    but ud better check those cus meds werent coverd really in the units i did so i could be wrong!

    anyways i hope i helped you out! =) good lucK!!!

  2. There's a several-page table in Goodman and Gilman's "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" listing which antibiotics are first, second, and third choices for which bacteria.

    With exceptions (e.g. macrolides or vancomycin acting almost only on gram-positive bugs and aminoglycosides acting almost only on gram-negative bugs), a particular class of drugs doesn't usually act specifically on gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria.

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