
Antichoicers: If abortions are so uncivilized, why is it that 3rd world countries agree with your stance?

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  1. Abortions are not uncivilized-they are wrong. Third World countries are not uncivilized, they are just don't have as much money or as many resources as other countries. Perhaps third world countries agree with the pro-life stance is because the people who live in third world countries have different values. They value life and sacrifice and religious virtues that go against killing an unborn child.

  2. I live in a thrid world country, India,  and we are not uncivilized, are we?  

    I wish I had a name like Dalton Grimiye and I lived in Europe or America and looked like a skinned rabbit.  I look like a rosted rabbit now, a third world rosted rabbit!  d**n.

  3. I'm not anti-choice, but your suggestion that abortion is "civilized" is ridiculous.

    You're using bad logic.

    If we were so "civilized", why do we still practice capital punishment?

  4. As prohibition didn't work out too well; neither would regulation of abortion rights by big government.

    N.B.: The opinions presented above represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Bristol-Myers Squibb or its affiliate companies. None of the presented statement should bre misconstrued as constituting a physician-patient relationship nor an attorney-client relationship.

    Moreover, the author wishes to issue his apologies for any offense or lack thereof to any members of the community in advance. Any spelling/syntactical errors are purely the result of human error and I apologize in advance for any offense this may cause the members of this community.

  5. It is a mathematical fact that  abortion saves more lives than it costs. More advanced people understand this. Simple minded people can only see the fetus and are unable to reason beyond the fact that the fetus dies. They never reach the understanding that every action has a reaction. They don't understand that they are killing kids. The leaders of the pro life movement are simply in it for the money. They fully understand that they are killing kids.

  6. Its legal in china, does that mean you think thier practices of Gender Selection and Female infantacide are "Civilized" afterall, its just a form of reproductive rights, right?

  7. What does that have to do with anything? Do we determine the validity of a subject based upon who or where groups agree? Truth or lie is based upon its own veracity. The larger question is that of morality. But those are issues with which most hate to deal with, because arenas of the conscience can become most uncomfortable for those who work so diligently to silence their own.

  8. lol thats a pretty lame attempt at demonisation.

    you did notice there were a few first world nations that have it illegal.

  9. interesting it's illegal in Australia I didn't know that....

    Women have been having abortions for as long as women have been getting pregnant.  Question is only how safe they are to the woman.

    BuytheWater....sorry darlin but ya.  India still has thousands dying from starvation and unclean drinking water.  what is civilized about "classes" of people where "untouchables" die outside of hopitals b/c they are refused treatment.

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