
Antidepressants and airport!!HELLPP!?

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hi there, im on sertraline(zoloft) antidepressant for major depression.

im going away in 4 days with my family(they dont know im on them and i dont want them to know cuz there will be a big fuss!) so do i put them in my hand luggage or will they ask me what they are!!? or just in my suitcase????

anyone know?

appreciate ur help, thanks :):):) x*x




  1. I always carry my medications in my hand luggage and no one has ever asked about them.

  2. Put them in your suitcase, nobody need know you have them.

    Happy holiday, the sunshine will do you more good than antidepressants.

  3. Put them in your suit case, if you don't need them on the flight.

  4. i had the same problem wen i went on holiday, i just hid them in my hand luggage and prayed my bag didn't get searched, which it shouldn't if theres nothing metal or liquid in there. You could put them in your suitcase but then if your case goes missing you might be without your medication the whole holiday. Have fun and don't stress too much.

    you could always buy some vitamins and put your anti depressants in the vitamin bottle so your family will think that's all they are.

  5. They won't ask. Keep them in the original bottle. They usually don't open medications.  They will go in the scanner and scan them but as long as they are not in metal you won't have a problem.  

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